
Terms for subject Religion containing чудеса | all forms | exact matches only
год чудесannus mirabilis (Latin for "wonderful year", a remarkable or notable year)
град чуда первогоCana of Galilee
знамения и чудесаsigns and wonders
ибо восстанут лжехристы и лжепророки, и дадут знамения и чудеса, чтобы прельстить, если возможно, и избранныхfor false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect (Mk:13:22)
надежда на чудоhoping against hope
надеющийся на чудоhoping against hope
непостижимое чудоmarvelous miracle (Alex_Odeychuk)
чудеса Божииthe mighty works of God (Александр Рыжов)
чудо исцеленияmiraculous healing
Чудо св. Георгия о ЗмииSt. George and the Dragon (As a popular theme in Christian art, depiction of the saint defeating the Dragon)