
Terms for subject News style containing центром | all forms
социологический центрpollster (центр, проводящий социологические опросы: At home, this intervention looks to be one of the most unpopular decisions Putin has ever made. The Kremlin's own pollster released a survey on Monday that showed 73% of Russians reject it. • According to recent research by independent pollster Levada Center, over 50 % of Russians believe in omens and good luck signs. time.com 4uzhoj)
центр изучения общественного мненияpollster (напр., в примере ниже речь идёт о ВЦИОМ: At home, this intervention looks to be one of the most unpopular decisions Putin has ever made. The Kremlin's own pollster released a survey on Monday that showed 73% of Russians reject it. time.com 4uzhoj)