
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing центра | all forms
быть в центре вниманияhold centre stage (Yeldar Azanbayev)
быть мозговым центромbe the brains behind something (чего-либо; to be the person who plans and organizes something, especially something successful Mira_G)
в самом центреat its heart (The novel is, at its heart, a story of courage and perseverance. ludwig.guru privetkrasa)
в центре вниманияall eyes on (all eyes on... – привлек внимание всех присутствующих sankozh)
в центре городаin the downtown area (ART Vancouver)
в центре событийat its heart (The novel is, at its heart, a story of courage and perseverance. ludwig.guru privetkrasa)
в центре событийbe in the hot seat (to be the center of attention in a difficult or stressful situation, particulary answering questions Yuliya Grebyonkina)
делать центром внимания мировой общественностиplace on the international radar (sankozh)
ты не центр вселеннойthe world doesn't revolve around you
центр всеобщего вниманияthe cynosure of all eyes (Andrey Truhachev)
центр общего вниманияthe cynosure of all eyes (Andrey Truhachev)