
Terms for subject Microsoft containing хост | all forms | exact matches only
адаптер хостаhost adapter (ssn)
адаптер хоста для тестовtest host adapter (ssn)
расположение хост-процессаhost process location (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
хост для тестовtest host (ssn)
хост-компьютерhost machine (microsoft.com bojana)
хост-контроллерhost controller (An hardware device for connecting a peripheral to the main computer, typically in the form of an expansion card)
хост-приложение CLRCLR host (ssn)
хост-приложение CLRcommon language runtime host (An unmanaged application that uses a set of APIs, called the hosting interfaces, to integrate managed code into the application. Common language runtime hosts often require a high degree of customization over the runtime that is loaded into the process)
хост-приложение общеязыковой среды выполненияcommon language runtime host (ssn)
хост-приложение общеязыковой среды выполненияCLR host (ssn)
хост-приложение среды выполненияruntime host (The environment, such as ASP.NET, Internet Explorer, or the Windows shell, in which the common language runtime is typically started and managed. Runtime hosts create application domains in which to run managed code on behalf of the user. See also application domaincpgloA, common language runtimecpgloC, managed codecpgloM)
хост приложенийapp host (The hosting environment for Windows Store apps that use JavaScript/HTML; it plays a role in activation, deactivation, event/SQM logging, configuration, security, and other functions)
хост-процессhost process (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
хост-процесс расширяемого мастераExtensible wizard host process (Windows 8 Rori)
хост-сайтhost web (A SharePoint site to which an app is installed)