
Terms for subject Intelligence and security services containing физическая | all forms | exact matches only
подрывать репутацию физических и юридических лицsabotage the reputations of people and organizations (Using large campaign donations and cover stories, the operatives aimed to gather dirt that could sabotage the reputations of people and organizations considered threats to a hard-right agenda advanced by the president. nytimes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
провести специальную проверку физических лицrun background checks on people (nytimes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
профилактическая физическая защитаdefensive physical security (объекта разведывательного интереса противника Alex_Odeychuk)
прямая физическая расправаphysical assault (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
прямая физическая расправаphysical attack (Alex_Odeychuk)
прямая физической расправаdirect annihilation (of ... – над ... financial-engineer)