
Terms for subject Microsoft containing файлов | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическое восстановление файловautomatic file restore (A feature that replaces malware-infected system files with uninfected files from the cloud)
автономные файлыoffline files (MasterK)
автономные файлыOffline Files (A feature that makes network files available to an end user when a network connection to the server is unavailable or slow)
автономный файл кубаoffline cube file (A file you create on your hard disk or a network share to store OLAP source data for a PivotTable or PivotChart report. Offline cube files allow you to keep working when you are not connected to the OLAP server)
административно назначенные автономные файлыadministratively assigned offline files (Win platon)
активный файлhot file (A file that is frequently accessed and frequently stored in memory)
анализ файла импортаImport File Parse (A system job that parses a file used in data migration or import. Rori)
анализ файла импортаImport File Parse (A system job that parses a file used in data migration or import)
базовое имя файлаbase file name (In a log definition, the part of the log file name that is the same for all of the log files that are created. The base file name and a timestamp form the complete log file name, for example, Basefilename_timestamp.log. The timestamp value varies, depending on the selected log file rollover option. Rori)
блок управления файламиFCB (A small block of memory temporarily assigned by a computer's operating system to hold information about an opened file. A file control block typically contains such information as the file's identification, its location on a disk, and a pointer that marks the user?s current (or last) position in the file)
блокировка файловFile Block (A feature that allows end users and IT admins to control which file types and versions can be opened and saved in the application)
в указанном для импорта файле нет допустимых записей.there are no valid records in the file specified for import. (Windows 8)
Ваши личные файлы или данные не будут изменены. это может занять несколько минутno changes will be made to your personal files or information. This might take several minutes (Windows 8)
версия файлаfile revision (Andy)
виртуализация путей в реестре и файловой системеfile/registry virtualization (Rori)
виртуализация путей в реестре и файловой системеFile and Registry Virtualization (A feature that allows standard users to run applications that normally write to per-computer files and registry keys. If these write operations fail, they are automatically redirected to equivalent per-user locations. Rori)
виртуальная папка музыкальных файловMusic Virtual Folder
виртуальная файловая системаvirtual file system (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects file system requests from application processes running in a virtual environment. These requests are processed based on the virtual files and directories defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
виртуальный файлvirtual file (A file name within the virtual environment that is mapped to an alternate target location. A virtual file appears alongside other files in the containing directory, regardless of whether that directory is virtual or local)
виртуальный файл журналаvirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
вкладка "Файл"File tab (A tab on the ribbon that takes users to Microsoft Office Backstage view. Rori)
восстановление файлаfile restore
восстановление файловfile restore (An operation that restores one or more files of a database)
восстановление файловfile recovery (The process of reconstructing lost or unreadable files on disk)
временный файлstash file (An internal structure that is used to stage a disc before recording it to media)
вспомогательный двоичный файлsatellite binary (Alex_Odeychuk)
входной файл обработчикаEngine Input File (A compiled version of a document schema. The EIF is used to expedite translations for distribution among other users in a closed user group. The EIF is automatically compiled whenever an XML Schema Definition language (XSD) schema is generated or edited, using BizTalk Server)
входной файл обработчикаEIF (A compiled version of a document schema. The EIF is used to expedite translations for distribution among other users in a closed user group. The EIF is automatically compiled whenever an XML Schema Definition language (XSD) schema is generated or edited, using BizTalk Server)
Выберите имя и местоположение базы данных распространителя и файлов журналовSelect the name and location of the distribution database and log files (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
выбор файловfile picker (A UI element that enables users to locate and select files)
escape-выражения формата файловfile format escape (" In regular expressions, the usual C language character escape sequences, "\\", "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", with the usual meanings, that is, backslash, alert, backspace, form feed, newline, carriage return, horizontal tab, and vertical tab, respectively.")
выходной файлartifact (build artifacts – выходные файлы сборки (файлы, созданные во время сборки кода проекта) Alex_Odeychuk)
выходной файлoutput file (The packaged Windows Media file that is created with Windows Media Rights Manager SDK)
выходной файлfile output (Andy)
выходной файл манифестаOutput Manifest File (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
выходные файлы сборкиbuild artifacts (файлы, созданные во время сборки кода решения Alex_Odeychuk)
генерация файлов кодаasset generation (Alex_Odeychuk)
генерация файлов кода на языке программирования C#C# asset generation (Alex_Odeychuk)
генерировать файлы кода на языке программирования C#generate the C# assets (Alex_Odeychuk)
главный файлmaster file (The file installed with earlier versions of SQL Server used to store the master, model, and tempdb system databases and transaction logs and the pubs sample database and transaction log)
глобальный файлglobal file (A Project file [Global.mpt] that contains information you can use for different projects. Information in a global file can include views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, filters, toolbars, menu bars, macros, and options settings)
голосовой файлvoice file (NickGuskov)
Данные двоичного файлаBinary file data (Andy)
Данные о регистрации компонента, на которые ссылается файл, недоступныthe component registrar referenced in this file is not available (Windows Vista)
дескриптор набора файловFile Set Descriptor
дескриптор файлаfile handle (In MS-DOS, OS/2, and Windows, a token (number) that the system uses to identify or refer to an open file or, sometimes, to a device)
диспетчер ресурсов файлового сервераFile Server Resource Manager (A suite of tools that allows administrators to understand, control, and manage the quantity and type of data stored on their servers. Rori)
длинное имя файлаlong file name (A folder or file name longer than the 8.3 file name standard (up to eight characters followed by a period and an extension of up to three characters). Most versions of Windows, including WindowsXP, Windows2000, WindowNT, Windows95, and Windows98 support long file names up to 255 characters)
заблокированный файлlocked file (A file on which one or more of the usual types of manipulative operation cannot be performed: typically, one that cannot be altered by additions or deletions)
задания копирования файловcopy files tasks (ssn)
закрытие файла без вывода приглашенийFile Close No Prompts (Office System 2010 Rori)
Записать зону обратно в файлWrite back zone to file (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Запустите установщик бухгалтерской программы, чтобы установить файлы, позволяющие обращаться к финансовым данным в бухгалтерской системеplease run the accounting installer package to install the files that enable you to access financial data in your accounting system. (Outlook with Business Contact Manager 2007)
зарегистрированный тип файлаregistered file type (File types that are tracked by the system registry and are recognized by the programs you have installed on your computer)
защита файлов WindowsWindows File Protection (A feature that runs in the background and protects your system files from being overwritten. When a file in a protected folder is modified, WFP determines whether the new file is the correct Microsoft version or whether the file is digitally signed. If not, the modified file is replaced with a valid version)
звуковой файлaudio file (A file containing digitized audio, such as voice or music)
звуковой файлsound file (A file that contains the information a computer uses to play sounds on your computer. Sound files usually have the file extension .wav)
звуковой файлaudio (A file containing digitized audio, such as voice or music)
Идёт преобразование файлаConverting file (Олег Семериков)
Импорт типов документов и действий из CSV-файлаImport document types and actions from comma-separated value file (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
имя и местоположение базы данных распространителя и файлов журналовname and location of the distribution database and log files (ssn)
Имя папки для электронных файловElectronic Files Folder Name (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
имя файлаfile name (The set of letters, numbers, and allowable symbols assigned to a file to distinguish it from all other files in a particular directory on a disk. A file name is the label under which a computer user saves and requests a block of information)
имя файла манифестаmanifest file name (Windows 7 Rori)
имя файла событийevent file name (Windows 8 ssn)
Интервал обратной записи для зон, хранимых в файлахZone writeback interval for file backed zones. (Windows 8.1)
информационный файлinformation file (A file created for a particular adapter that provides the operating system with information required to set up a device, such as a list of valid logical configurations for the device, the names of driver files associated with the device, and so on. An .inf file is provided typically on a disk by the device manufacturer or may be included in the operating system)
исполняемый файлexecutable file (A file in portable executable (PE) file format that can be loaded into memory and executed by the operating system loader. It can be either an .exe or a .dll file. In the .NET context, a PE file must be translated by the common language runtime into code before it can be executed by the operating system)
исполняемый файлexecutable (Of, pertaining to, or being a program file that can be run. Executable files have extensions such as .bat, .com, and .exe)
история файловfile history (A Windows feature designed to help users avoid data loss by automatically saving versions of files and copies of deleted files so that users can recover them. Rori)
исходный файлsource file (A file that contains the data that a program will process and store in a destination file)
исходный файл клиентаclient source file (microsoft.com bojana)
исходный файл пакетаpackage source file (A file that is contained within an SMS/Configuration Manager package and that each advertised program needs before it can run)
исходный формат файлаoriginal file format (Andy)
каталог временных файловscratch directory (A temporary directory used by the operating system or some other program to temporarily store data until the current session is terminated)
каталог составного файлаcompound file directory (A structure used to contain per-stream information about the streams in a compound file)
кластеризованный файловый серверclustered file server (microsoft.com bojana)
ко всем файлам программAll software files (Windows Vista ssn)
компилированный двоичный файлcompiled binary file (An Access 2007 database (.accdb) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
компиляция в один файлcompilation into a single file (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
конечный путь для файловfile destination path (Office System 2010 Alex Lilo)
конечный файлdestination file (The file that a linked or embedded object is inserted into, or that data is saved to. The source file contains the information that is used to create the object. When you change information in a destination file, the information is not updated in the source file)
конечный файлresulting file (Andy)
конкретная версия файлаspecific file version (Andy)
контракт выбора файлов в окне открытияFile Open Picker contract (A contract that enables developers to create apps that use the file picker to offer files to other apps)
контракт выбора файлов в окне сохраненияFile Save Picker contract (A contract that enables devs to set up their app as a save location that the user can choose when they use the file picker to save files. Rori)
контракт выбора файлов в окне сохраненияFile Save Picker contract (A contract that enables devs to set up their app as a save location that the user can choose when they use the file picker to save files)
контракт обновления кэшированных файловCached File Updater contract (A contract that enables an app to provide real-time updates and saving capabilities for specific files on the system)
копирование файловfile copy
корневой файл BINDBIND boot file (A configuration file used by DNS servers running under versions of the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) software implementation. The BIND boot file is a text file, Named.boot, where individual lines in the file list boot directives used to start a service when the DNS server is started. By default, Microsoft DNS servers use DNS service parameters stored in the registry, but they allow the use of a BIND boot file as an alternative for reading boot configuration settings)
корневой файлboot file
критический файлcritical file (A file that is crucial for the system to perform)
кэш файловой системыfile system cache (An area of physical memory that holds frequently used pages. It allows applications and services to locate pages rapidly and reduces disk activity)
лицензированный файлlicensed file
лицензия защиты файловfile license (A license that authorizes protection of file resources on a single server)
личные файлыpersonal files (ssn)
локальная файловая системаlocal file system (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
максимальное число одновременно выполняемых заданий копирования файловmaximum number of concurrent copy files tasks (ssn)
мастер архивации файлов и папокFile and Folder Backup wizard
мастер восстановления файлов и папокFile and Folder Restore wizard
масштабируемый файловый серверScale-Out File Server (vlad-and-slav)
меню последних выбиравшихся файловMRU Menu (A menu that contains the most recently used items, such as documents, files or fonts)
меню "Файл"File menu (A common drop-down menu that includes commands for file operations, such as Open, Save, and Print)
модель локализации на основе файловfile-based localization model (Alex_Odeychuk)
на основании ваших параметров конфиденциальности файлы cookie не были ограничены или заблокированыBased on your privacy settings, no cookies were restricted or blocked.. (Windows 8, Internet Explorer 9)
Нажмите кнопку "Дополнительно", чтобы изменить параметры преобразования файлов.Click Advanced to change file conversion options. (Windows Vista Rori)
настраиваемый файл манифестаcustom manifest file (IIS Web Deployment Tool 2.0 Rori)
Настройка файлов конструктора отчётовConfiguring Report Designer Files (SQL Server 2005 SP2 Rori)
начало файлаbeginning-of-file (The starting location of a file on a disk relative to the first storage location on the disk. A data directory or catalog contains this location)
неверный тип INF-файла для данной операцииspecified INF is the wrong type for this operation (ssn)
Невозможно обработать "грязный" файлFailed to handle dirty file (Windows 8 Rori)
Невозможно просмотреть файл в формате HTML.File cannot be viewed in HTML. (Office System 2010 Rori)
недопустимый файлinvalid file (Windows 8.1 ssn)
необработанный файлraw file (A native format for fast reading and writing of data)
неожиданный конец файлаunexpected end of file (Visual Studio 2012 VS Update ssn)
неожиданный конец файла в значении строкового литералаunexpected end of file in string literal value (Visual Studio 2012 VS Update ssn)
неструктурированный файлflat file (A file consisting of records of a single record type in which there is no embedded structure information that governs relationships between records)
неструктурированный файл с разделителямиdelimited flat file (A data file that contains one or more records separated by a record delimiter. Each delimited record contains one or more fields separated by a common field delimiter)
Обзор файла проекта и выводов из процесса подготовки годового отчёта за прошлый год.Review project file/lessons learned from last year's Annual Report process. (Project 2007 Rori)
область временных файловscratch space (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
область временных файлов среды предустановки WindowsWindows PE scratch space (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
обработать файлprocess file (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
общий доступ к файламFileshare (Windows 8 Rori)
общий файловый ресурсFileshare (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
объединять файлы расширенных событийmerge extended event files (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
объект сопоставления файловfile-mapping object (An object that maintains the association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
объектный файлobject file (A file containing object code and/or data generated by a compiler or an assembler from the source code of a program)
обычные текстовые файлыplain text files (Office System 2013 Rori)
Ограничения объёма файлов для зоны интрасетиFile size limits for Intranet zone (Internet Explorer 8 Rori)
одновременно выполняемые задания копирования файловconcurrent copy files tasks (ssn)
одноранговый доступ к файламP2P share (A folder or directory used by peer-to-peer file-sharing software as a destination for receiving files from other users or a source from which other users may download files. Rori)
одноранговый доступ к файламP2P share (A folder or directory used by peer-to-peer file-sharing software as a destination for receiving files from other users or a source from which other users may download files)
Операторы архива могут перекрывать ограничения доступа только в целях копирования и восстановления файлов.Backup Operators can override security restrictions for the sole purpose of backing up or restoring files (Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
основная таблица файловmaster file table (An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume)
основное имя файлаbase filename (Andy)
основной файлnative file (Andy)
отключено с удалением полезных файловdisabled with payload removed (Новое состояние компонентов системы и ролей сервера, появившееся в Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012 MasterK)
открыть папку с полученными файламиOpen Received Files (An item on the File menu that opens files that the user has received via Communicator conversations)
Открыть расположение файла процессаOpen Process File Location (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Отображать значки файлов на эскизахDisplay file icon on thumbnails (Windows 8 Rori)
отправка файла манифестаSending manifest (SharePoint Server 2016 Rori)
отправляемый файл запросаsend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
Ошибка обратной записи файлаthe file writeback failed. (Windows 8)
Ошибка при загрузке CSV-файлаError when loading comma-separated value file (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
пакет обеспечения совместимости Microsoft Office для форматов файлов Word, Excel и PowerPoint 2007Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats (A Microsoft supplemental set of tools that provides Office 2000, XP and 2003 users integration from their older file formats with the new file formats for Word, Excel and PowerPoint in the 2007 Microsoft Office system)
пакет обеспечения совместимости Microsoft Office для форматов файлов Word, Excel и PowerPoint 2010Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010 File Formats (A Microsoft supplemental set of tools that provides Office 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007 users integration from their older file formats with the new file formats for Word, Excel and PowerPoint in the 2010 Microsoft Office system)
пакет обеспечения совместимости форматов файлов Microsoft Office 2007Compatibility Pack for Microsoft Office 2007 File Formats
пакетный файлbatch file (An ASCII (unformatted text) file that contains one or more operating system commands. A batch program's file name has a .cmd or .bat extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, or when the batch program is run from another program, its commands are processed sequentially)
папка для файла базы данных распространителяfolder for the distribution database file (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
папка для файла базы данных распространителя не может быть пустойfolder for the distribution database file cannot be empty (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
папка для файла журнала базы данных распространителяfolder for the distribution database log file (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
папка для файла журнала базы данных распространителя не может быть пустойfolder for the distribution database log file cannot be empty (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
папка назначения для скачивания файловmedia download target location (Alex_Odeychuk)
папка с файламиfile folder (Andy)
папка файловfile folder (Andy)
пара файлов контрольных точекCFP (vlad-and-slav)
параметры предварительного просмотра файловFile Previewing Options (Office System 2013 Rori)
параметры преобразования файловFile Conversion Options (Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
параметры файла журналаLog File Settings (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
передача файлов по инфракрасному соединениюinfrared file transfer (Wireless file transfer between a computer and another computer or device using infrared light)
переключение на файл продолженияfile rollover (The process when a program closes a file, based on a certain event, and creates a new file)
переносимый исполняемый PE файлportable executable file (The file format used for executable programs and for files to be linked together to form executable programs)
перетаскивание или копирование и вставка файловdrag and drop or copy and paste files (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
перетаскивание отправляемых файловDrag and Drop Upload (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
позиционный неструктурированный файлpositional flat file (A type of file format used to represent business documents in which the records and fields have a fixed length, eliminating the need for delimiters)
поиск файлаBrowse for File (Andy)
полная замена файлаfull file replacement
полученные файлыReceived Files (An item on the View menu that displays the list of files that the user has received via instant message conversations)
полученный в процессе сбора файлcollected file (Any file that is copied from SMS/Configuration Manager clients during software inventory. After the files are collected from clients, they are stored on the site server)
полученный по подписке файлsubscription file (An audio or video file that you rent from an online store, typically for a monthly fee)
правило кэширования файлов Центра обновления МайкрософтMicrosoft Update Cache Rule (A built-in cache rule used to download Microsoft updates using Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS))
предварительный просмотр файлаFile Previewing (Office System 2010 Rori)
пример файлаsample file (A file that is provided as example, which you can typically use for learning and re-use)
проверка файлов OfficeOffice File Validation (A security feature that validates files before allowing them to be loaded by the application, in order to protect against file format vulnerabilities)
программа обмена файламиfile sharing program
пространство для файла подкачкиpage file space (Andy)
прочный дескриптор файлаdurable file handle (A file handle that allows a connection to an SMB server to survive brief network outages without having to incur the overhead of re-negotiating a new session)
Публикация и подписка на объект файловой системы или общий сетевой ресурс.Publish and subscribe to the file system or network share. (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
Путь к файлам данныхData File Path (Andy)
путь к файлу журналаlog file path (The location of the log file on a computer)
размер файлаfile size (The length of a file, typically given in bytes)
размер файловой системыfile system size (Andy)
разностное резервное копирование файловfile differential backup
разностный файл инвентаризацииdelta inventory file (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle. Rori)
разностный файл инвентаризацииdelta inventory file (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
разрежённый файлsparse file (A file that is handled in a way that requires much less disk space than would otherwise be needed. Sparse support allows an application to create very large files without committing disk space for those regions of the file that contain only zeros. For example, you can use sparse support to work with a 42-GB file in which you need to write data only to the first 64 KB (the rest of the file is zeroed))
разрешение для файлаfile permission (Andy)
разрешения для UNIX-файловUNIX file permissions (A set of permissions that describes the access rights to a UNIX file or directory for the file owner, the group owner, and other users. Every UNIX file and directory possesses a set of permissions, and each user can have any combination of read, write, or execute access)
расписание репликации файловfile replication schedule (The schedule by which Directory Services user lists that are newly uploaded are added to the Administration Center and to e-mail servers worldwide)
расположение файлаfile location (Ding_an_sich)
распределенная файловая системаDFS (DFS)
резервная копия файловfile backup
резервный файлstandby file (" In a restore operation, a file used during the undo phase to hold a "copy-on-write" pre-image of pages that are to be modified. The standby file allows reverting the undo pass to bring back the uncommitted transactions.")
репликация распрёделённой файловой системыDFSR (Distributed File System Replication microsoft.com bojana)
ресурсный файл манифестаManifest Resource File (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
самоизвлекающийся файлself-extracting file (An executable program file that contains one or more compressed text or data files. When a user runs the program, it uncompresses the compressed files and stores them on the user's hard drive)
сбор файловfile collection
сбросить файл на флешкуdrop a file on a USB stick (To drop a file on your USB stick you use your computer's file manager, then you pop it in the new computer and access it. VLZ_58)
свойства файлаfile property (A detail about a file that helps identify it, such as a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, or a keyword that identifies topics or other important information in the file)
сгенерированные файлыgenerated assets (Alex_Odeychuk)
сгенерировать файлы кода сервера gRPCgenerate the gRPC server assets (Alex_Odeychuk)
сегмент файловых записейfile record segment (MasterK)
сетевой файловый серверnetwork file server (microsoft.com bojana)
символьный файлsymbol file (Ding_an_sich)
системный двоичный файл встроенного ПОfirmware system binary (A feature that enables partners to place a system binary from firmware into Windows without modifying a Windows binary or executable file. OEMs can use this to make sure that, even after a user has removed or reinstalled the operating system, features such as theft-recovery applications, remote data-deletion software, or the ability to provide a missing device driver are still available to the user)
скачивание файловmedia download (Alex_Odeychuk)
скопировать все файлы и подкаталоги из каталога в папку установкиcopy the complete contents of the directory to an installation folder (Alex_Odeychuk)
скрытый файлhidden file (A file that, in order to protect it from deletion or modification, is not shown in the normal listing of the files contained in a directory. Such a file is often used to store code or data critical to the operating system)
служба репликации файловfile replication service
служба репликации файловFRS
служба файлового агента DPMDPM File Agent service (The component of DPM that synchronizes replicas of protected volumes with the data sources. The DPM File Agent service receives changes to protected data from the file servers and applies the changes to the replicas on the DPM server)
смарт-файлsmart file (A file that is only available when a device is connected to the Internet so that the file's data uses little space in the device's storage)
Смещение файлаFile Offset (Andy)
соглашение о формировании имён файловfile-naming convention (Alex_Odeychuk)
Создание файла карты для компилятора справкиGenerating map file for help compiler (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
создание файла с использованием пользовательских настроекCreates a file using custom settings (Office System 2010 Rori)
Создать меточный файл в системе контроля версийAdd label file to the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
сопоставление файловfile mapping (The association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
составной файлcompound file (A number of individual files bound together in one physical file where each individual file can be accessed as if it were a single physical file)
сохранить как файлSave As File
сохранить файл журнала базы данных распространителя вstore the distribution database log file in (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
средство выбора файловfile picker (A UI element that enables users to locate and select files)
средство проверки формата двоичных файлов MicrosoftBinary File Format Validator (Artjaazz)
средство удаления файла спящего режимаHibernation File Cleaner
средство удаления файлов гибернацииHibernation File Cleaner (A feature that allows deletion of the files created during hibernation)
средство управления историей файловFile History Management Tool (Windows 8 Rori)
Средству переноса данных Windows не удаётся открыть файл переноса данныхWindows Easy Transfer can't open the Easy Transfer file (Windows 8 Rori)
COM-структурированный файл хранилищаCOM-structured storage file (A component object model (COM) compound file used by Data Transformation Services (DTS) to store the version history of a saved DTS package. Rori)
текстовый файлtext-only file (A document file in ASCII format, containing characters, spaces, punctuation, carriage returns, and sometimes tabs and an end-of-file marker, but no formatting information)
текстовый файлtext file (" A file composed of text characters. A text file can be a word-processing file or a "plain" ASCII file encoded in a format practically all computers can use.")
текстовый файл с полями фиксированного размераfixed-width text file (ssn)
текстовый файл с полями фиксированной шириныfixed-width text file
текстовый файл с разделением табуляциейtab-delimited text file (Andy)
текстовый файл с разделителямиdelimited text file (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab)
тестовый файлtest file (A file used as part of a testing process to check the validity or correctness of a program or procedure)
тип звукового файлаaudio type (One of the encoding formats for audio files, for instance Advanced Audio Coding (MP4), AIFF and WAV)
тип файлаfile type (The format of a file, commonly indicated by its file name extension. The file type indicates which program the file was created in and can be opened with)
тип файлаsave as type (в диалоговом окне unrecyclable)
тип файлаSave as type (An option in the Save As dialog that enables a user to save a file in different formats or versions)
Тип файла определенийDefinition file type (Andy)
Укажите путь для файлов языковой поддержки на жёстком диске или в общем сетевом ресурсеSpecify the path for language files on a local drive or a network share. (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
указатель на файлfile pointer (Andy)
установка меток времени в конечный файлTime-Stamping Destination File (Windows 10 Rori)
устойчивый дескриптор файлаpersistent file handle (A file handle that has a persistent value for the lifetime of the file system object to which it refers)
файл автовосстановления.asd file (calimero)
файл автоматического восстановления.asd file (calimero)
файл базы данныхdatabase file (One of the physical files that make up a database)
файл базы данных распространителяdistribution database file (ssn)
файл безопасностиsecurity file (A file that contains a digital code that makes it possible to seal messages or to add a digital signature to messages. This file can be stored on a 3.5-inch disk or on your computer's hard disk)
файл библиотекиlibrary file (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
файл-буферscrap (An application or system file maintained for storing data that has been marked for movement, copying, or deletion)
файл в формате PostScriptPostScript file
файл внешнего ключаexternal key file (A file that contains the external key and is stored on an external media device. The name and contents of the file are internal to Microsoft and can change from version to version)
файл внешнего ключаexternal key file (A file that contains the external key and is stored on an external media device. The name and contents of the file are internal to Microsoft and can change from version to version. Rori)
файл гибернацииhibernation file (A file created during hibernation that contains all CPU memory and registers information)
файл главного ключаstash file (A local file that holds the master key for the Kerberos database)
файл данныхdata file (A file consisting of data in the form of text, numbers, or graphics, as distinct from a program file of commands and instructions)
файл данных Microsoft AccessMicrosoft Access data file (A database or project file for Microsoft Access)
файл данных Outlook для MacOutlook for Mac data file (A file exported by Outlook for Mac that contains a user's e-mail messages, contacts, calendar events, and other information)
файл данных по умолчаниюdefault data file
файл данных с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated values file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл данных с разделителями-запятымиCSV-файл (ssn)
файл данных с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated value file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл данных ссылки на проектproject reference data file (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
файл диагностического пакетаDiagnostic Package File (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
файл документа Visiodrawing file (A Visio file with a .vsd extension that contains a drawing)
файл журналаlog file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
файл журналаlogging file (Andy)
файл журнала базы данных распространителяdistribution database log file (ssn)
файл журнала запросовquery log file (Andy)
файл журнала транзакцийtransaction log file (A file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database. All changes to the database are recorded in the transaction log files before they are written into the database files. If a database shuts down unexpectedly, unfinished transactions can be restored by replaying the transaction log files into the database)
Файл закрытого ключаPrivate Key File (Andy)
файл запроса отправкиsend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
файл значений с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated value file
файл значкаicon file (Andy)
файл иерархииhierarchy file (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
файл изображенияimage file (A file containing graphics (illustrations, photographs, etc) or other visual information)
CSV-файл импортаCSV import file (A comma separated value (CSV) file used to provision many new users at one time)
файл индекса ресурсов пакетаpackage resource index file (A binary file used in Windows Store apps to store resources for all languages, cultures, and scale factors)
файл инструкцийrecipe file (Andy)
файл инструкцийinstruction file (Andy)
файл источника события квотыquota event source file (Windows 8 ssn)
файл карты BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server map file (The persisted form of a BizTalk map, created by BizTalk Mapper and compiled to generate run-time transformation directives specified using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT))
файл карты веб-сайтаsite map file (A Web site file that lists the URLs in the Web site that are available for search engines to index. Rori)
файл клиента пулаsharer file (A file using resources from another file, which can be another project file or a file containing only resource information, called a resource pool)
файл кода программной частиcode-behind file (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
файл WSC-компонентаWindows Script Component file (XML files that are much like HTML files, but contain special elements that define the script component and its behavior)
файл конвейера BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server pipeline file (A file that describes the configuration of the pipeline and the components within it. This file type can be compiled as part of a BizTalk project)
файл-контейнерcontainer file
файл конфигурацииconfiguration file (A file that contains machine-readable operating specifications for a piece of hardware or software or that contains information on another file or on a specific user, such as the user's logon ID)
файл конфигурацииconfig file
файл конфигурации виртуальной машиныvirtual machine configuration file (An XML-based file that stores the configuration of the virtual machine)
файл конфигурации для быстрого сброса параметровpush-button reset configuration file (microsoft.com bojana)
файл конфигурации приложенияapplication configuration file (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
файл конфигурации службыservice configuration file (The file that sets values for the hosted service that can be configured while the service is running in the Microsoft Azure fabric. Values in the service configuration file include the number of instances required for each role, the values for the configuration parameters established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service. Rori)
файл кэшаcache file (A file used by DNS servers and clients to store responses to DNS queries. For Windows DNS servers, the cache file is named Cache.dns by default)
файл лицензииlicense file (Andy)
файл личных папокpersonal folders file
файл манифестаmanifest file (A file containing a list of resources, such as grammar files and prompt databases, that Speech Server preloads and caches to improve performance. Speech Server automatically creates a manifest file (Manifest.xml) when a new project is created)
файл манифеста полученmanifest obtained (Office System 2010 Rori)
файл мультимедиаmedia file (A file that contains audio, video, or script data)
файл мультимедиаmedia asset (A unit of media programming, such as a television program, a movie, or a digital music track, that are delivered to a subscriber in exchange for on-demand fees or subscription fees. Assets are usually files that are stored on a media server. Rori)
файл назначенияdestination file
файл настройкиinitialization file (A text file used by the operating system and by individual applications to store persistent settings related to applications, drivers, or hardware. Supported for backward compatibility. Use the registry to store these settings)
файл начальной конфигурацииinitial configuration file (Andy)
файл обложкиskin file (A file containing one or more control properties that define how the controls should look. Skin files are part of ASP.NET themes)
файл обновленияupgrade file (Andy)
файл обновления каталогаCatalog Maintenance Request file (A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog)
файл описания веб-частиWeb Part description file (An .xml file that defines the default property settings for a Web Part, including references to other files that are required to run and display the part)
файл описания PostScript-принтераPostScript Printer Description file (dimock)
файл определений интерфейсаinterface definition file (microsoft.com Lerych)
файл определенияdefinition file (Andy)
Файл определения моделиModel Definition File (Andy)
файл определения обложкиskin definition file
Файл определения отчётаReport Definition File (Andy)
файл определения пакетаpackage definition file
файл определения приложенияapplication definition file
Файл определения расположенияLocation Definition File (Andy)
файл определения службыservice definition file (The file that defines the service model for the application, which includes the roles that comprise a hosted service, the service endpoints, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints. The service model cannot be changed once the service is deployed and running. Rori)
файл ответовresponse file (Text files that contain MSBuild.exe command line switches)
файл откатаundo file (A file that saves the content of the pages in a database after they've been modified by uncommitted, rolled back transactions and before recovery restores them to their previous state. The undo file prevents the changes performed by uncommitted transactions from being lost)
файл пакетаpackage file (Andy)
файл пакета драйвераDriver Package File (Windows 8 Rori)
файл пакета приложения уровня данныхDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package)
файл пакета приложения уровня данныхDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package. Rori)
файл пакета службService Package file (System Center App Controller 2012 SP1 Rori)
файл пакета управленияmanagement pack file (A file that is associated with an Operations Manager management pack and that incorporates overrides, custom monitors, and custom rules)
файл из пакета установкиsetup file (Alex_Odeychuk)
файл параметров ИнтернетаInternet settings file (A file that provides Windows Update Setup with Internet settings that configure the browser and associated components. You can create multiple versions of your browser package by changing the .ins file used by each package. Use the Profile Manager to create, save, and load .ins files)
файл параметров сайтаsite control file
файл пароля восстановленияrecovery password file (A BitLocker Drive Encryption file that uses the naming convention: .bek (including the BitLocker .fve file extension), which contains the recovery key that is required to unseal the volume during recovery)
файл печатиprint file (A file that can be sent directly from a computer to a printer port without being opened first. PhotoDraw saves print files with a .prn file extension)
файл по умолчаниюdefault file (Andy)
файл пограничной подпискиEdge Subscription file (The XML file that is exported on the Edge Transport server and imported on the Hub Transport server to establish an Edge Subscription)
файл подкачкиpaging file (A hidden file on the hard disk that Windows uses to hold parts of programs and data files that do not fit in memory. The paging file and physical memory, or random access memory (RAM), comprise virtual memory. Windows moves data from the paging file to memory as needed and moves data from memory to the paging file to make room for new data)
файл подкачкиswap file (A hidden file on the hard disk that Windows uses to hold parts of programs and data files that do not fit in memory. The paging file and physical memory, or random access memory (RAM), comprise virtual memory. Windows moves data from the paging file to memory as needed and moves data from memory to the paging file to make room for new data)
файл подкачкиpagefile
файл подкачкиpage file
файл подключения к данным OfficeOffice data connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
файл подключения к даннымdata connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
файл пользователяuser file (Andy)
файл преобразованияtransform file (A template of the differences between two installer databases that can be applied to produce similar changes in other databases)
файл привязкиbinding file (A file that contains a snapshot of the binding as seen at that instant. It does not contain details about the completeness of the binding with respect to the orchestration. Rori)
файл продолженияrollover file (A file created when the file rollover option causes SQL Server to close the current file and create a new file when the maximum file size is reached)
файл проектаproject file (The file that contains information about the files that have been imported into or captured in the current project, and how files or clips have been arranged)
файл профиля публикацииpublish profile file (Alex_Odeychuk)
файл процессаprocess file (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
файл процесса построенияBuild process file (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
файл процесса сборкиBuild process file (Visual Studio 2013 VS Update Rori)
файл рабочей областиworkspace file (A file that saves display information about open workbooks, so that you can later resume work with the same window sizes, print areas, screen magnification, and display settings)
файл разницы инвентаризационных данныхdelta inventory file (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
файл расширенных событийextended event file (ssn)
файл резервной копииbackup file
файл результатовresults file (In Windows Assessment Services and Windows Assessment Console, the XML file that is produced after a job completes, that is standardized and presented in the Windows Assessment Console to identify issues on the system. The results contain individual assessment output, information about the computer that the assessment was run on, the job manifest information, a copy of the assessment manifests from each assessment included in the job, and event trace log (ETL) files)
файл ресурсовresource file (A file that consists of resource data and the resource map that indexes it)
файл ресурсов совместимости приложенийapplication compatibility resource file (Windows 8.1 ssn)
файл с выделенным кодомcode-behind file (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
файл с данными о совместимости для OfficeOffice compatibility definition file (A file that stores information about compatibility issues and workarounds and makes it available to the Office Telemetry Log and Office Telemetry Dashboard)
файл с разделителями-запятымиcomma-separated file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл с разделителями-запятымиcomma-delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл с разделителями-запятымиcomma delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
файл сборкиassembly file (A file that is part on an assembly)
файл сведенийREADME (A file containing information that the user either requires or will find informative and that might not have been included in the documentation. Readme files are placed on disk in plain-text form (without extraneous or program-specific characters) so that they can be read easily be a variety of word processing programs)
файл сведенийreadme file (A file containing information that the user either requires or will find informative and that might not have been included in the documentation. Readme files are placed on disk in plain-text form (without extraneous or program-specific characters) so that they can be read easily be a variety of word processing programs)
файл сведений рабочей группыworkgroup information file (A file that Access reads at startup that contains information about the users in a workgroup. This information includes users' account names, their passwords, and the groups of which they are members)
файл cookie сеансаsession cookie (A cookie that is deleted at the end of the browser session)
файл сигнатурsignature file (A file that updates an antivirus program so that the program recognizes signatures of new viruses and removes the viruses from the user's computer)
файл сигнатур вирусовvirus signature file (A file that updates an antivirus program so that the program recognizes signatures of new viruses and removes the viruses from the user's computer)
файл словаря предметного указателяconcordance file (An index file with two columns: the first column lists the text in the document that you want to index, and the second column lists the index entries to generate from the text in the first column)
файл справкиhelp file
файл спящего режимаhibernation file
файл среды восстановленияenvironment file (Andy)
файл схемы BizTalk ServerBizTalk Server schema file (A file containing the persisted form of a BizTalk schema)
файл сценарияscript file (A collection of scripting commands, parameters and expressions that enables you to automate tasks or perform bulk operations repeatedly)
файл типаtype file (Andy)
файл трассировкиtrace file (A file containing records of activities of a specified object, such as an application, operating system, or network. A trace file can include calls made to APIs, the activities of APIs, the activities of communication links and internal flows, and other information)
Файл уже существуетFile Already Exists (Andy)
файл указанийhint file (ssn)
файл установкиsetup file (Andy)
файл фигурыshapefile (" A public domain format for the interchange of spatial data in geographic information systems. Shapefiles have the file name extension ".shp".")
файл фильмаmovie file (A file created by combining the audio, video, and still images contained in your project. Movie files are created when you publish your movie in Windows Movie Maker, and are saved as a Windows Media file with a .wmv file name extension)
файл формата потокаstream format file (A file used by a player to decode a multicast stream)
файл форматированияformat file
файл целей построенияtargets file (In the context of MSBuild, an XML file that contains MSBuild target elements that can be used by one or more build projects. A target element contains one or more tasks to be performed in a build)
файл шаблонаtemplate file (A file that contains some pre-defined formatting, layout, and/or text and graphics and that serves as the basis for new documents with a similar look or purpose)
файл шаблона формыform template file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
файл эскизаthumbnail file (Andy)
ETL-файл ядраkernel ETL file (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
файловая группаfilegroup (A named collection of one or more data files that forms a single unit of data allocation or for administration of a database)
файловая система CDFSCompact Disc File System (A 32-bit protected-mode file system that controls access to the contents of CD-ROM drives)
файловая система CLFSCommon Log File System (A general-purpose logging service that can be used by software clients running in user-mode or kernel-mode)
файловая система LFSLive File System (A file storage system that can be used to create CDs and DVDs. Discs formatted with Live File System allow you to copy files to the disc at any time, instead of copying (burning) them all at once)
файловая система NTFSNTFS file system
файловая система EFSEFS
файловое хранилищеfile-based storage (Storage that takes place in local files (as opposed to a database), which are copies of the metadata in the client computer. It is used when the client is working offline. Rori)
Файловые службы и службы хранилищаFile and Storage Services (microsoft.com bojana)
файловый адаптерfile adapter (An adapter that can read messages from the file system and submit them to the server, as well as write messages from the server to a file on the file system)
файловый вирусfile infector virus (A virus that attaches itself to executable programs. Once the original infected program is run the virus transfers to the computer memory and may replicate itself further, spreading the infection. This type of virus can be spread beyond one's system as soon as the infected file or program is passed to another computer. The simplest form of these viruses work by overwriting part of the program they are infecting. More sophisticated versions hide their presence by saving the program or file's original instructions so that these are executed even after infection)
файловый кэшfile cache (File-based storage that is created on the client computer when the client components are installed. Rori)
файловый кэшfile cache (File-based storage that is created on the client computer when the client components are installed)
файловый портfile port (An application-specific location that includes extra information that the application requires)
файловый потокfilestream (A sequence of bytes used to hold file data)
файловый режимfile mode (The mode -Input, Output, Append, Random, or Binary- that determines which methods can be used to read and write files)
файловый ресурс-свидетельwitness file share (For a failover cluster, a file share in the cluster storage that is designated to hold information about the cluster configuration database. A failover cluster has a witness file share only if this is specified as part of the quorum configuration)
файловый ресурс-свидетельfile share witness (microsoft.com bojana)
файловый серверfile server (A file-storage device on a local area network that is accessible to users on the network. A file server not only stores files but manages them and maintains order as network users request files and make changes to them)
файловый сервер AppleShareAppleShare File Server (A remote filing system protocol that provides a standard means for a workstation on an AppleTalk network to access and manipulate files on an AFP-implemented server)
файловый сервер для MacintoshFile Server for Macintosh (A service that allows users of Macintosh computers to store, access, and share files on servers running Services for Macintosh)
файлы журнала установкиsetup log files (stachel)
файлы кода на языке программирования C#C# assets (Alex_Odeychuk)
файлы рабочего процессаworkflow files (System Center Service Manager 2012 ssn)
файлы сценариев оболочкиshell script files (ssn)
факс-файлfax file (harser)
фильтр файлаfile filter
фильтр файловfile filter (A DLL that controls the transfer of data between devices)
Хранить и отображать список недавно открывавшихся файловStore and display a list of recently opened files (Windows 8 Rori)
целевой файлdesignated file (Andy)
Чтение файла определенийReading definition file (Andy)
шифрованная файловая системаEncrypting File System
Экспорт типов документов и действий в CSV-файлExport document types and actions to comma-separated value file (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
элемент управления "вложенные файлы"file attachment control (ssn)
элемент управления "Вложенные файлы"file attachment control (A control that allows users to attach files to their form when they fill it out)
эффективная передача файловEfficient File Transfer (A feature that breaks a file up into granular chunks so that during re-open and re-save scenarios only the differences between client and server are sent over the network)
эффективное хранение файловEfficient File Storage (A storage method in which a file is split into pieces that are stored and updated separately, and streamed together when a user requests the file)