
Terms for subject Microsoft containing третья | all forms
домен третьего уровняthird-level domain (" A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain name (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, "example.microsoft.com" would be a subdomain of the domain "microsoft.com".")
домен третьего уровняtertiary domain (A DNS domain located directly beneath another domain name (the parent domain) in the namespace tree. For example, "example.microsoft.com" would be a subdomain of the domain "microsoft.com". Rori)
Кривая Безье третьего порядкаcubic Bezier curve
кривая Безье третьего порядкаcubic Bezier curve (A curve described by two endpoints and two control points)
сертификат третьей стороныthird-party seal