
Terms for subject Microsoft containing типы | all forms | exact matches only
анонимный типanonymous type (A class type whose name is generated by the compiler and that inherits directly from Object. Members of an anonymous type are properties that are inferred from the object initializer that creates instances of the type)
базовый типbase type (A parent type or super-type in the Entity Data Model from which derived types inherit some of their properties)
включающий типenclosing type (ssn)
включающий тип или методenclosing type or method (ssn)
вложенный типnested type (A type defined within the scope of another type. A nested type is typically used for encapsulating implementation details of the top-level type)
внешний тип контентаexternal content type (An object (such as a customer, item, or employee) that shares a set of defined attributes or characteristics, and that is used to manage rules for data)
восходящее приведение типаupcast (An expression that modifies an object type into the type of a base class)
все типы интерфейсаall interface types (Windows 8 ssn)
Выберите тип фотографий для сканирования или создайте особые параметры настройкиSelect the type of picture you want to scan, or create custom settings (Windows Server 2003 SP1)
Выбрать тип процесса для предложения проводок оплатыSelect type of process for suggesting transactions for payment. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Добавить типы сетей в сценарий тестовой нагрузки и изменить смешанный сетевой профильAdd network types to a load test scenario and edit the network mix (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
Добавить типы событийAdd Event Types (System Center Operations Manager 2012 ssn)
допустимый тип автоматизацииvalid automation type (ssn)
закрытый универсальный типclosed generic type (сконструированный универсальный тип, не имеющий незаданных параметров универсального типа, ни собственных, ни входящих в его состав типов или методов. Для закрытого универсального типа возможно создание экземпляров ssn)
запрашиваемый типqueryable type (The type of the query variable in a LINQ query. The type of the variable that represents the data source is also a queryable type. A queryable type can be implicitly or explicitly typed, but in either case it must be a generic IEnumerable or IQueryable type)
зарегистрированный тип файлаregistered file type (File types that are tracked by the system registry and are recognized by the programs you have installed on your computer)
изменение размера по типу "звезда"star-sized (Produced with the use of the star sizing)
интерфейс ссылки на типtype reference interface (ssn)
Конъюгированная вакцина гемофильной палочки типа bHib (A vaccine for immunization against serious infections caused by a type of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b, such as meningitis and pneumonia)
логический тип данныхBoolean data type (A data type with only two passable values, True (-1) or False (0). Boolean variables are stored as 16-bit (2-byte) numbers)
набор типов, от которых зависит типset of types upon which a type depends (говоря об интерфейсе Alex_Odeychuk)
не указан тип событияMissing Event Type (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
не является допустимым типом автоматизацииis not a valid automation type (Visual Studio 2008 ssn)
неверный тип объекта для эффекта рисунка текстового клиентаtext client drawing effect object is of the wrong type (Windows 8 ssn)
неверный тип окна сообщенияinvalid message box style (Windows Vista ssn)
неверный тип политикиpolicy has the wrong type (ssn)
неверный тип INF-файла для данной операцииspecified INF is the wrong type for this operation (ssn)
недопустимый типinvalid type (Project 2007 ssn)
недопустимый тип событияinvalid event type (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
недопустимый тип сокращения дескриптораillegal descriptor concise type (Access 2017-QR2 ssn)
неизвестный тип дескриптораunknown type descriptor (Windows 10 ssn)
неизвестный тип интерфейсаunknown interface type (Windows 8 ssn)
неправильный тип защищённого поставщикаwrong type of protected provider (ssn)
неправильный тип номера поляwrong type in field number (ssn)
неправильный тип элемента в ASENUMwrong type of element in ASENUM (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
непреобразуемый типblittable type (microsoft.com yyaron)
несвязанный типunbound type (A type that is referenced in a project and that IntelliSense and the C compiler cannot match to a declaration)
несколько наборов сущностей на типmultiple entity sets per type (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
несколько наборов сущностей на типMEST (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
нисходящее приведение типаdowncast (An expression that modifies an object type into the type of a derived class)
обобщённый тип данных на основе типажейtrait-based generic (Alex_Odeychuk)
одна таблица на конкретный типtable-per-concrete type (A method of mapping the inheritance where each non-abstract type in the hierarchy is mapped to separate table in the database. Often used when there are unrelated tables that store the same kinds of data in the database. For example, the Product and DiscontinuedProduct tables)
одна таблица на типTPT (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that uses multiple tables with one-to-one relationships to model the various types)
одна таблица на типtable-per-type (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that uses multiple tables with one-to-one relationships to model the various types)
определяемый пользователем тип данных CLRCLR user-defined type (A user-defined data type created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR))
открытый универсальный типopen generic type (сконструированный универсальный тип, в котором один или более аргументов универсального типа, подставляемых на место параметров универсального типа, являются параметрами типа включающего универсальный тип или метод. Для открытого универсального типа создание экземпляров невозможно ssn)
параметризованный типparameterized type (A type whose definition has placeholders for actual types that the user specifies when creating and using instances of the type. C++ templates and common language runtime generics are examples of parameterized types)
побитно копируемый примитивный типblittable primitive type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
побитно некопируемый типnon-blittable types (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
побитово некопируемый тип данныхnon-blittable data type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
пользовательский типUDT (A user-written extension to the scalar type system in SQL Server)
пользовательский тип данных CLRCLR user-defined type
пользовательский тип финансовой аналитикиuser-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a user-defined list of values. Rori)
преобразование строкового литерала в тип "char"conversion from a string literal to "char" (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
преобразуемый типnon-blittable type (microsoft.com yyaron)
производный от интерфейса типa type that derives from an interface (Alex_Odeychuk)
производный типtype that is more derived (The type parameter is covariant. That is, you can use either the type specified or any type that is more derived. – Параметр типа является ковариантным, т.е. допускается использовать заданный тип или любой тип, производный от него. Alex_Odeychuk)
простой тип данныхelementary data type (A simple data type, such as Boolean, Long, or Decimal)
работать со всеми типами данныхwork across all types (It's a generic class, so a single implementation works across all types. Alex_Odeychuk)
разделяемый типpartial type (A type of class whose definition is split over two or more source files)
размеченный тип атрибутаtokenized attribute type (microsoft.com bojana)
реальный типreal type (ssn)
резервный типbacking type (A type in a given type system that defines the object that is created when parsing a XAML object element or instantiating a XAML type. In XAML for WPF, a backing type is a CLR type)
сгенерированный компилятором тип данныхcompiler-generated type (Alex_Odeychuk)
скалярный тип данныхscalar data type
сконструированный универсальный типconstructed generic type (A generic type whose generic type parameters have been specified. A constructed type or method can be an open generic type if some of its type arguments are type parameters of enclosing types or methods, or a closed generic type if all of its type arguments are real types. Rori)
сконструированный универсальный типconstructed generic type (A generic type whose generic type parameters have been specified. A constructed type or method can be an open generic type if some of its type arguments are type parameters of enclosing types or methods, or a closed generic type if all of its type arguments are real types)
сложный типcomplex type (A composite type that represents a non-scalar property of an entity type, which enables scalar properties to be organized within entities)
смещение в типах данных переменной длиныoffset in variable length data types (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
составной тип данныхcomposite data type (ssn)
составные типы данныхcomposite data type (A data type where the sum of the members is larger than all individual members taken together, such as a structure or an array)
строковый тип данныхString data type
тип автоматизацииautomation type (ssn)
тип артефактаartifact type (A type of data that a tool exposes publicly so that other tools can refer to it. Each artifact must have an artifact type. Each artifact must be identified by a unique and immutable artifact identifier)
тип атрибутаattribute type (The type of information contained by an attribute, such as quarters or months in a time dimension, which may enable specific treatment by the server and client applications)
тип бизнес-процессаworkflow type (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
тип блокировкиlock type (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
тип браузераbrowser type (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
тип валютного курсаexchange rate type (A classification that groups exchange rates. Rori)
тип вводимых данныхinput scope (The type of handwritten or voice-dictated value being entered in an input control on the TabletPC, for example, Number, Date or Currency. This allows for better and faster recognition by the TabletPC recognizer)
тип вложенияattachment type (ssn)
тип вопросаissue type (Office 365 Rori)
тип выполненияexecution type (Andy)
тип группыgroup type (The value that specifies whether the group is used for e-mail distribution, securing resources, or both)
тип данныхdata type (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
тип данных doubleDouble data type (A fundamental data type that holds double-precision floating-point numbers. It's stored as a 64-bit number ranging in value from approximately -1.797E308 to -4.940E-324 (negative), from 4.94E-324 to 1.797E308 (positive), and 0)
тип данныхLong data type
тип данных гиперссылкиHyperlink data type (ssn)
тип данных "да / нет"Yes/No data type (A field data type you use for fields that will contain only one of two values, such as Yes or No and True or False. Null values are not allowed)
тип данных "длинное целое"Long data type (A fundamental data type that holds large integers. A Long variable is stored as a 32-bit number ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
тип данных для полейfield data types
тип данных "курсор"cursor data type (ssn)
тип данных объектаObject data type (A fundamental data type representing any object that can be recognized by Visual Basic. Although you can declare any object variable as type Object, it is best to declare object variables according to their specific types)
тип данных объекта OLEOLE Object data type (ssn)
тип данных, ориентированный на повышение производительностиperformance-focused type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
тип данных binary переменной длиныvariable-length binary data type (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
тип данных char переменной длиныvariable-length char data type (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
тип данных поляfield data types (A characteristic of a field that determines what kind of data it can store. For example, a field whose data type is Text can store data consisting of either text or number characters, but a Number field can only store numerical data)
тип данных поляfield data type (ssn)
тип датчикаSensing Method (The sensing component in the camera that was used to capture the image)
тип действияaction type (A classification that describes what an action does)
тип документа Visiodrawing type (A Visio file (template) with a .vst extension that opens with the stencils, styles, and settings you need to create a particular type of drawing)
Тип должен иметь значение InterfaceType should be Interface (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
тип, допускающий значение nullnullable type (In C, an instance of the System.Nullable struct that can represent the normal range of values for its underlying value type, plus an additional null value)
тип, допускающий неопределённое значениеnullable type (it's a common feature on the .NET runtime, available in all languages Alex_Odeychuk)
тип журнала событийevent log type (System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 ssn)
тип заданияjob type (A classification of jobs based on the sequence in which they occur, from the time a job enters the work center to the time it leaves the work center)
тип задачиtask type (A characterization of a task based on which aspect of the task is fixed and which aspects are variable. There are three task types: Fixed Units, Fixed Work, and Fixed Duration. The default task type in Project is Fixed Units)
тип записейrecord type (The representation of all the instances of a particular record. When changes are made to a record type, those changes will affect all individual records of that type)
тип записиentry type (The kind of tool used to store Account History, Business Contact History or Opportunity (for example, an e-mail message, note, task, or appointment). The type of utility used to store an entry)
тип звонкаRing type (An option that allows the user to specify the type of alert the device will produce in response to an incoming call)
тип звукового файлаaudio type (One of the encoding formats for audio files, for instance Advanced Audio Coding (MP4), AIFF and WAV)
тип значенияvalue type (A data type that is represented by the type's actual value. If a value type is assigned to a variable, that variable is given a fresh copy of the value. (This is in contrast to a reference type, where assignment does not create a copy) Value types are usually created on a method's stack frame, rather than in the garbage-collected heap. A value type can be boxed, which is a process that creates a corresponding reference type)
тип источника данных ссылокtype of reference data source (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
тип кампанииCampaign Type (The field in a Campaign form in which you can select the type of campaign that is being run. Possible types are Advertisement, Direct Marketing, Event, and Other)
тип канала доставкиdelivery channel type (The protocol for a delivery channel, such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or File)
тип клиентаclient type (Information that determines how a cache client functions and impacts the performance of your application. There are two client types: a simple client type and a routing client type)
тип коммутатораswitch type
тип контента документовdocument-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for document libraries)
тип контента сайтаsite content type (A named and uniquely identifiable collection of settings and fields that store metadata for lists within individual sites. Rori)
тип контента элементовitem-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for any type of SharePoint list item)
тип корреляцииcorrelation type (A set of message properties that uniquely identifies a business process and which is used to correlate messages with orchestration instances)
тип линииline style (In desktop publishing, printing, and high-end word processing, the form and quality of a line, such as a dotted line, a double line, or a hairline)
тип мультимедиаmedia type (Office System 2010, Windows Vista Rori)
тип, не являющийся универсальнымnon-generic type (ssn)
тип оборудованияhardware type (A classification for similar devices. For example, Imaging Device is a hardware type for digital cameras and scanners)
тип обращенияCase Type
тип объектаobject type (An opaque data structure that defines a protected entity that is implemented and manipulated by the operating system. For example, the system service that reads a file operates on an open file object)
тип объектаitem type
тип окна сообщенияmessage box style (Windows Vista ssn)
тип операцииoperation type (Information that is requested on the resource managed by ILM through the Web service. This includes information on creating and deleting objects, and reading and modifying object attributes. In addition, Add/Remove operations let you apply further control to the modify operation to control only addition of attributes or their removal)
тип определенияkind of the definition (ssn)
тип организацииbusiness type
тип отчётаreport type (A category of reports that all contain similar information)
тип перечислимых данныхenumerated data type
тип подключённых объектовconnected object type (The object type in the connected system to which the ILM objects are connected)
тип пользовательского интерфейсаuser interface type (Windows 8 ssn)
тип поляfield type (The name that identifies the action or effect the field has in the document. Examples of field types are AUTHOR, COMMENTS, and DATE)
тип предприятияbusiness type
тип приложенияlisting type (The type of application that a developer wants to publish or list in a Microsoft marketplace; for example, an App for Office, an App for SharePoint, or a Windows Azure Catalog App)
тип проблемыissue type (Windows 10 Rori)
тип проверки подлинностиauthentication type (SQL platon)
тип проектаproject type (A classification that determines how a project is posted to the ledger. Project type identifies an external project as fixed price or time and materials and an internal project as cost, investment, or time)
тип, производный от интерфейсаa type that derives from an interface (Alex_Odeychuk)
тип прослушивателя трассировкиtrace listener type (ssn)
тип workflow-процессаworkflow type (A set of metadata and event handlers in the Application Object Tree (AOT) that defines a workflow design template)
тип-псевдонимalias type (Office System 2010 Rori)
тип псевдонимаalias type
тип рабочего процессаworkflow type (Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2012 ssn)
тип рабочего элементаwork item type (A named definition associated with a project in a Team Foundation Server. Types are composed of fields, a form and work flow. They are defined using XML. Definitions are portable between Team Foundation Servers)
тип развёртыванияdeployment type (A technology that is used to deploy an application to devices. A deployment type is contained within an application; for example, Windows Installer could be a deployment type for the "Visio 2007" application)
тип разрешенияpermission type (One of 2 or 3 possible permissions that a user can grant to users or domains in the Options dialog box, on the Permissions tab. For individual users, the possible permissions are Allow and Block. For domains, the three types of permissions are Allow, Block, and Notify)
тип ресурсаresource type (A class of resources, such as print spooler, physical disk, or file share)
тип ролиrole-type (A predefined role definition)
тип сборкиbuild type (A template used to manage the conditions under which a single solution or a set of solutions will be built)
тип сборщикаcollector type (A logical wrapper around the SQL Server Integration Services packages that provide the actual mechanism for collecting data and uploading it to the management data warehouse)
тип связиlink type (The type of task dependency. The four dependency types are Finish-to-start [FS], Finish-to-finish [FF], Start-to-start [SS], and Start-to-finish [SF])
тип сетевого интерфейсаnetwork interface type (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
тип собственностиOwnership (A field which appears in the "Company Information' section of the default "Account" form)
тип событияevent kind (Event metadata that defines the event type)
тип события выходного адаптераevent type of output adapter (ssn)
тип события производительностиperformance event type (ssn)
Тип события производительности сервера клиентского доступаCAS Performance Event Type (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
тип события уведомленияnotification event type (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Тип события уже существует!Event Type Already exists! (Windows 8 ssn)
тип сокращения дескриптораdescriptor concise type (ssn)
тип сообщенийmessage type (A definition of a Service Broker message. The message type specifies the name of the message and the type of validation Service Broker performs on incoming messages of that type)
тип составного сообщенияmulti-part message type (A definition of the structure of a message, including the data types of its elements. A multi-part message type can contain a single part or many parts. Rori)
тип состояния простояidle state type (Windows 8 ssn)
тип сотрудникаemployee type (A category of employees for which a specific compensation plan is designed, such as Executive, Salaried, or Hourly)
тип ссылочного атрибутаreference attribute type (" An attribute type in which the values of the attribute are the ObjectIDs (globally unique identifiers) of other resources in ILM "2".")
тип сущностиentity type (The specification for a data type that includes a named set of properties and represents a top-level item in a data model)
тип счетаaccount type
тип счётчика числа попаданийhit count type (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
тип тестаtest type (A set of functionality and/or a template to help expose parts of the underlying test framework)
тип угрозыthreat type (A category of entry points to an asset that could be used by an adversary to adversely affect that asset. Threat types include: Spoofing identity, Tampering with data, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege)
тип узлаhost type (A property that determines whether the host is controlled within or outside of the BizTalk Server process. Host types are In-process or Isolated)
тип-указатель на функциюfunction pointer type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
тип устойчивостиresiliency type (A setting that allows the user to select the specific resiliency of data across multiple disks in a virtual disk or storage space)
тип устройстваdevice type (A value from a developer-defined list that specifies the types of devices that a given application will support)
тип утвержденияApproval Type (The UI field that specifies the role of a document approver)
тип файлаfile type (The format of a file, commonly indicated by its file name extension. The file type indicates which program the file was created in and can be opened with)
тип файлаsave as type (в диалоговом окне unrecyclable)
тип файлаSave as type (An option in the Save As dialog that enables a user to save a file in different formats or versions)
Тип файла определенийDefinition file type (Andy)
тип целевого объектаtarget type (The type of target, which has certain characteristics and behavior)
тип элементаitem type (The data definition for a class of items stored in a Web application. An item type consists of its name and references to the default set of fields (properties) associated with items of that class)
тип является интерфейсомtype is an interface (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
типы интерфейсаinterface types (Windows 8 ssn)
типы интерфейсовinterface types (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 ssn)
Типы: классы с реализациями интерфейсовTypes: classes with interface implementations (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
типы подключаемых модулейPlug-in Types (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
типы прослушивателя трассировкиtrace listener types (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
типы событийevent types (Windows Vista SP1 ssn)
типы событий для сбораevent types to collect (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Требуется интерфейсный типExpected an interface type (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
у выбранного свойства неправильный тип 0 вместо 1currently selected property has a wrong type of 0 instead of 1 (Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ssn)
универсальный типgeneric type (класс, интерфейс или структура, определение которых содержит местозаполнители, называемые параметрами универсального типа, для одного или более типов, используемых в определениях членов (напр., в определении метода в качестве параметров типа). Пользователь задает реальные типы (аргументы универсального типа), подставляемые на место параметров универсального типа, при создании экземпляра универсального типа ssn)
универсальный тип, для которого заданы параметры типаgeneric type whose generic type parameters have been specified (ssn)
Фильтр по типу товарной операцииItem Ledger Entry Type Filter (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
форматированный значимый типformatted value type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
форматированный типformatted type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)