
Terms for subject Programming containing техническое зрение | all forms | in specified order only
архитектура с технической точки зренияarchitecture: A technical perspective (ssn)
промышленное техническое зрениеindustrial machine vision (служит для автоматизированной сборки и контроля изделий ssn)
с технической точки зренияtechnical perspective (ssn)
с технической точки зренияoperationally (In programming languages, closures are a technique for implementing lexically scoped name binding in languages with first-class functions. Operationally, a closure is a record storing a function together with an environment: a mapping associating each free variable of the function, in other words, variables that are used locally, but defined in an enclosing scope, with the value or storage location to which the name was bound when the closure was created. A closure – unlike a plain function – allows the function to access those captured variables through the closure's reference to them, even when the function is invoked outside their scope. Alex_Odeychuk)
с технической точки зренияon the engineering side (ssn)
техническая точка зренияengineering side (ssn)