
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing таким образом | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
если дело обстоит именно таким образомshould that be the case (Conceding that he is stumped as to where the creature might be when it is not out looking for food, O’Faodhagain posited that perhaps it "rests on ledges down in the depths of Loch Ness." Should that be the case, he mused, this would "explain why folk do not see her too often during the day, when all tourist cruisers and pleasure crafts are out and about, creating noise and disturbance." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
если дело обстоит таким образомif that is the case (The lack of any new sightings or evidence suggests that if these things ever existed at all, then they may well have already gone extinct or are close to it. If that is the case, then perhaps we will never know what they were or are. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
таким образом, чтобыmake sure that (в инструкциях: Fold this cover page at the dotted line above and insert it into the envelope. Make sure that our address in the box below shows through the envelope window. -- таким образом, чтобы был виден адрес ART Vancouver)
что его побудило действовать таким образомwhat could have prompted him to act that way