
Terms for subject General containing съемное | all forms
дополнительная съёмная шпораdetachable spud (of a tank)
дополнительная съёмная шпораdetachable grouser (of a tank)
контейнер со съёмной крышкойcan
острога со съёмной головкойlily iron (для меч-рыбы)
пальцевый отбойный битер со съёмной решёткойfinger-action recoil beater with removable grate (ABelonogov)
проживать в съёмном жильёlive in rented accommodation (telegraph.co.uk goldblaze)
самосвал со съёмной платформойroll-off tipper (Millie)
складной или съёмный верхdeck (автомобиля)
снаряд со съёмным керноприёмникомwireline core barrel (КГА)
съемная панель магнитолы в машинеfaceplate (Albonda)
съемная пленкаrelease film (Svetozar)
съёмная квартираrental suite (ART Vancouver)
съёмная квартираrental unit (By removing the extra 2%, renters living in a $1,320-per-month apartment, which is the cost of the average two-bedroom rental unit in B.C., will save up to $317 next year, and people living in an average two-bedroom apartment in Vancouver will save about $420. (nsnews.com/) ART Vancouver)
съёмная квартираrental apartment (ART Vancouver)
съёмная квартираrental home (The federal government has announced it will fund the construction of 422 rental homes in three projects in Vancouver, including a six-storey multi-use apartment building by Wesgroup. ART Vancouver)
съёмная подушкаdetachable cushion
съёмная подушкаdetachable pad
съёмно-монтажная установкаlifting tackle
съёмное жилое помещениеpremises hiring (iwona)
съёмное жильёrented accommodation (Anglophile)
съёмное сиденье комбинированного детского стульчикаtraining seat (приспособленное под горшок)
съёмные квартирыrental units (собирательно: The Residential Tenancy Act does not have any provisions related to listing rental units, as the screening process occurs before the landlord-tenant relationship is established. • ABC councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung added, “I think this is a good switch of tenure for hundreds of new rental units coming to the market in a city that has historically had a low vacancy rate of less than 1%, and the level of affordability is truly noteworthy.” (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
съёмные носители информацииremovable media (Alexander Demidov)
съёмные шипыinterchangeable studs
съёмный верхdeck (автомобиля)
съёмный наконечникDetachable tip (EliaPasternak)
съёмный носительremovable media (In computer storage, removable media refers to storage media which are designed to be removed from the computer without powering the computer off. Some types of removable media are designed to be read by removable readers and drives. Examples include: Optical discs (Blu-ray discs, DVDs, CDs) Memory cards (CompactFlash card, Secure Digital card, Memory Stick) Floppy disks / Zip disks Disk packs Magnetic tapes Paper data storage (punched cards, punched tapes) Some removable media readers and drives are integrated into computers, others are themselves removable. Removable media may also refer to some removable storage devices, when they are used to transport or store data. Examples include: USB flash drives External hard disk drives. WAD Alexander Demidov)
съёмный носитель информацииremovable media (Alexander Demidov)
съёмный ободdemountable rim (автомобильного колеса и т. п.)
съёмный объективremovable lens (Eniki-beniki)
съёмный патрубокdropout section (для обеспечения доступа к оборудованию при техобслуживании Yakov)
съёмный сошникdetachable spade
форма для выпекания со съёмным дномspring form (NataliaU)