
Terms for subject Court law containing судебном порядке | all forms
выборочный пересмотр в порядке судебного надзораdiscretionary review (The Supreme court hears some, but not all cases from the Court of Appeals, as determined by the Court itself. This is an important distinction from lower courts which merits highlighting, (as the definition itself adds this word to distinguish from Oregon Circuit Courts. Additional Resource: The primary function of the Oregon Supreme Court involves discretionary review of decisions of the Oregon Court of Appeals. The Court also has discretionary review in certain types of cases (such as mandamus, habeas corpus, and certified questions), and has mandatory review in other types of cases (such as death penalty appeals, tax appeals, certain criminal appeals, certain agency reviews, certain elections matters, and lawyer discipline and judicial fitness matters). oregon.gov vgsankov)
лицо, в обязанность которого входит поддержание порядка во время судебного заседанияbailiff (обычно это заместитель шерифа или представитель правоохранительных органов, но в некоторых штатах в нижних судебных инстанциях эти функции могут выполнять работники гос. учереждений, не состоящие на службе в полиции)
порядок судебного разбирательстваorder for directions (Есенжан)