
Terms for subject Customs containing стоимость товаров | all forms | in specified order only
метод по стоимости сделки с идентичными товарамиtransaction value of identical goods (метод определения таможенной стоимости (ВТО): Method 2 – Transaction value of identical goods (Article 2)| The transaction value is calculated in the same manner on identical goods if the goods are: – the same in all respects including physical characteristics, quality, and reputation; |– produced in the same country as the goods being valued; |– and produced by the producer of the goods being valued. wto.org Sukhopleschenko)
метод по стоимости сделки с однородными товарамиtransaction value of similar goods (метод таможенной оценки товаров: Method 3 – Transaction value of similar goods (Article 3) – The transaction value is calculated in the same manner on similar goods if: – goods closely resembling the goods being valued in terms of component materials and characteristics; – goods which are capable of performing the same functions and are commercially interchangeable with the goods being valued; – goods which are produced in the same country as and by the producer of the goods being valued. For this method to be used, the goods must be sold to the same country of importation as the goods being valued. The goods must be exported at or about the same time as the goods being valued. wto.org Sukhopleschenko)
Об определении таможенной стоимости товаров, перемещаемых через таможенную границу Таможенного Союзаon Determining the Customs Value of Goods Moved Across the Customs Border of the Customs Union (Elina Semykina)