
Terms for subject Microsoft containing старый | all forms | exact matches only
имя старого устройстваLegacy Device Name (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Rori)
подписи в старом форматеlegacy signatures (Windows 10 Rori)
старая версияolder version (Andy)
старое доброеOldies (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 11)
старое имя экземпляраold instance name (SQL Server ssn)
старые форматыlegacy formats (Office System 2016)
старый парольold password (Andy)
старый родительский объектold parent (.NET Framework 4, Windows Presentation Foundation 3.0 Rori)
цифра старого стиляold-style number (A number represented in a style where numeric glyphs have varying heights and positions and may extend below the baseline. Using old-style numbers in body text improves its overall look and readability. Rori)
эффект старой плёнки, максимальныйFilm Age, Oldest (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
эффект старой плёнки, сильныйFilm Age, Older (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)