
Terms for subject Microsoft containing специалисты | all forms
главный специалист по разработке программного обеспеченияprincipal software engineer (Alex_Odeychuk)
группа специалистов, занимающаяся расследованием нарушений безопасностиblue team (To help the team responsible for investigating comprimised systems – sometimes known as the "blue team". Пытается выявлять попытки взлома со стороны Red team vlad-and-slav)
Microsoft Office 365 для специалистов и малых предприятийMicrosoft Office 365 for professionals and small businesses (An online suite of services from Microsoft that combines the familiar Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and others to be added in the future. The professionals and small businesses version includes a smaller feature set than the enterprises version, suited to smaller companies and affordability)
портал Service Manager для ИТ-специалистовService Manager IT portal (A Web interface designed for information technology (IT) managers and IT professionals so that they can view and manage incidents, changes, and assets. It can also be used to examine metrics and reports)
сертифицированный специалист МайкрософтMicrosoft Certified Professional (A professional who has the skills to successfully implement a Microsoft product or technology as part of a business solution in an organization; MCP)
специалист по внедрениюimplementer (stachel)
специалист по обработке и анализу данныхdata scientist (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
специалист службы поддержкиsupport professional (An engineer who specializes in product support. Support professionals talk with customers, investigate their issues, and provide solutions)
специалист технической поддержки предприятияenterprise desktop support technician (MasterK)