
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing случаи | all forms
в большинстве случаевmost of the time (The baby can identify the mother as someone who can figure out, most of the time, well enough what the baby needs. ART Vancouver)
в данном случаеin this case (The longest, most important journeys begin with little steps, or, in this case, little notes. ART Vancouver)
в самом худшем случаеin a worst-case scenario (In a worst-case scenario, a moderate earthquake on the Vancouver Island fault would create a potential tsunami that would impact not only Victoria but also Vancouver, Seattle, Bellingham, Olympia, and Tacoma. dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)
множество случаевnumerous cases (Rumours of a large feline lurking in the Ceredigion area emerged as far back as the 1970s when a series of sheep were found eaten. There have been numerous cases since including the killing of 12 sheep in 1981 in the village of 'Bont' – giving name to the Beast of Bont – and the slaughter of 20 in 2012. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver)
на случай, еслиin case (Bring extra food and water and a snow shovel in case you get stuck on the road. ART Vancouver)
на тот случай, еслиshould (For example, why was the plane carrying 24 fully armed rockets on what was essentially a training exercise? Although skeptics to the UFO claims – which we will get to in a moment – point out that this is to produce the realistic weight of a plane should it be heading into combat – this would appear to be something achievable without using fully armed weaponry. Certainly not with an inexperienced pilot, if we accept for a moment the US Air Force’s claims regarding Barlow and his error causing the crash. -- на тот случай, если ему придётся вылететь на боевое задание (ufoinsight.com) • The fact that Allan used a pen name proves that he did not feel great confidence about his novel and wanted to be able to maintain a distance from it should it be poorly received by critics. ART Vancouver)
при первом удобном случаеat a later opportunity (sankozh)
случай произошёлthe incident occurred (The intriguing video was shared with the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization by the witness, Kelley, who explained that the incident occurred when she and her daughter were visiting a remote campground in the state's Blue Mountains. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
только в том случае, еслиnot unless (модель not + verb + unless: We do not accept medical files unless you have a family doctor within our clinic. -- Мы принимаем медицинские документы только в том случае, если вы приписаны к одному из семейных врачей в нашей клинике. ART Vancouver)