
Terms for subject Television containing скрыто | all forms
скрытая камераcandid camera
скрытые субтитрыclosed captions (кодированные субтитры для глухих и слабосшылащих зрителей в системе абонентского телевидения, которые становятся видимыми на экране при использовании специального декодера)
скрытые титрыclosed captions
Улыбнитесь, вас снимает скрытая камера!Smile, you're on Candid Camera! (Candid Camera was a popular American television show that ran from 1948 to 2014 in various formats. It featured practical jokes and pranks being played on unsuspecting ordinary people, while being filmed by a hidden camera. A UK version of the series ran from 1960 to 1976. The title of this article is the phrase that was used by the host when he did the big reveal at the end of each show and everyone would generally have a good laugh. storyblok.com)