
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing сколько угодно | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
можно сколько угодно говоритьtalk all you want (Talk all you want about Napoli and the start they have had to the game but Torino's defending has been embarrassing so far; You can talk all you want about having a clear purpose and strategy for your organizaton and your life, but ultmately it means nothing if you aren't investing your resources in a way that is consistent with that strategy Баян)
сколько душе угодноthe sky's the limit (VLZ_58)
сколько душе угодноto one's heart's content (origin: W. Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" (act III, sc. IV) and "King Henry VI" (part II, act I, sc. I): The rose garden offers a fragrant place for a springtime visit, while the green lawns offer a spot to walk or to sit and daydream -- or, in winter, to play in the snow to your heart's content. (Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver)
сколько душе угодноto one's heart's content (заниматься чем-то приятным – есть, спать и т. д. DRE)
сколько душе угодноenough to cobble dogs with (We've got enough beer in this party to cobble dogs with Taras)
сколько угодноthe sky's the limit (Nowadays the sky's the limit on how much you can earn – Сейчас можно зарабатывать сколько угодно VLZ_58)
сколько угодноthe sky is the limit (VLZ_58)
сколько угодноa dime a thousand (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
сколько угодноten a penny (Andrey Truhachev)