
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing свяжись | all forms
двух слов связать не можетhe can't string a sentence together (VLZ_58)
не уметь связать двух словcannot put two words together (Yeldar Azanbayev)
он двух слов связать не можетhe can barely string a sentence together (Don Quixote)
связать обещаниемpin someone down (кого-либо Taras)
связать свою судьбуbe tied to the chariot of (с кем-либо; someone. Bobrovska)
связать свою судьбу сthrow in one's lot with (В.И.Макаров)
связать себя брачными узамиtake the vows ('So you're going to a wedding? he said after a moment.'Who's taking the vows, may I ask?'(A.Saxton. "The Great Midland", part I, ch.I) – "Значит, ты идёшь на свадьбу? – спросил он немного погодя. – Кто же это решил связать себя брачными узами, если не секрет? Komparse)
связать себя узами бракаtie the knot ('I'm very much the marrying kind' – Gwyneth Paltrow on why she chose to tie the knot for the second time. Alex_Odeychuk)
связать узами бракаtie the knot
связаться сget into bed with (to make an agreement to work with another person or group. This expression is usually used showing disapproval. : The leisure group has not been the only hotelier to contemplate getting into bed with a supermarket chain. collinsdictionary.com Orwald)
связаться с кем-либо / чем-либоget tangled up with someone/something (The boy had gotten tangled up with a bad bunch of kids and was in serious trouble. / It is a huge mistake to get tangled up with drugs.)
связаться сthrow in one's lot with (to join or become associated with a person, group, or thing that one hopes will win or succeed; decide to ally yourself closely with and share the fate of a person or group: He has decided to throw in his lot with the business venture. • As soon as news of the CEO's scandal becomes public, I doubt that big investor will want to throw in her lot with us. 4uzhoj)
связаться с дурной компаниейbe in with the wrong crowd (mahavishnu)