
Terms for subject Microsoft containing роль | all forms | exact matches only
предопределённая роль базы данныхfixed database role (ssn)
предопределённая роль сервераfixed server role (ssn)
роль автораAuthor role (A collection of rights that enables a user to view, add, and modify pages, and items in a list, document library, discussion board or survey)
роль автора с дополнительными правамиAdvanced Author role (A collection of rights that allows the user to view, add, and change pages, documents in libraries, discussion boards, themes, and borders, as well as manage tasks and recalculate links. A default role)
роль администратораAdministrator role
роль администратора моделейmodeler role (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to perform any modeling operation within their scope (application or model site))
роль администратора пользователейuser administrator role (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to assign users to and remove users from any administrative PerformancePoint Server role within their scope (application or model site), with the exception of the global administrator role, add users to or remove users from user-created business roles within their scope (application or model-site), add users to or remove users from the PerformancePoint Server system. User Administrator members cannot create or delete business roles)
роль "Администраторы организации Exchange"Exchange Organization Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have full access to all Exchange properties and objects in the Exchange organization)
роль "Администраторы получателей Exchange"Exchange Recipient Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have permissions to modify any Exchange property on an Active Directory user, contact, group, dynamic distribution group, or public folder object)
роль "Администраторы Exchange с правами на просмотр"Exchange View-Only Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have read-only access to the entire Exchange organization tree in the Active Directory configuration container, and read-only access to all Windows domain containers that have Exchange recipients)
роль "Администраторы сервера Exchange"Exchange Server Administrators role (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have access to only local server Exchange configuration data, either in Active Directory or on the physical computer on which Active Directory is installed)
роль ассоциацииAssociationRole (A type of collaboration role that describes the relationship between two ClassifierRoles. It is represented by a path between two class role elements and can include the underlined name of the corresponding association)
роль базы данныхdatabase role (A collection of users and groups with the same access to an Analysis Services database)
роль безопасностиsecurity role
роль в отношенияхrelationship role
роль виртуальной машиныvirtual machine role (A cloud service role that provides a customer-customizable virtual machine image)
роль виртуальной машиныVM role (A cloud service role that provides a customer-customizable virtual machine image)
роль глобального администратораglobal administrator role (An administrative role for PerformancePoint Server that allows members to configure settings on the entire PerformancePoint Server system and on all computers running PerformancePoint Server within the system)
роль инициатораinitiator role (A particular user role of your choice that is automatically assigned to users who open your forms for the first time, overriding any other role assignments)
роль классификатораClassifierRole (A type of collaboration role that is a slot for an object in a collaboration. It is represented by the class rectangle symbol with only the name compartment showing)
роль кубаcube role (A collection of users and groups with the same access to a cube. A cube role is created when you assign a database role to a cube, and it applies only to that cube)
роль менеджера параметров соответствияCompliance Settings Manager role (A security role that grants permissions to define and monitor compliance by using the Desired Configuration Compliance feature. Administrative users who are associated with this role can create, modify, and delete configuration items and baselines. They can also deploy configuration baselines to collections, initiate compliance evaluation, and initiate remediation for noncompliant computers)
роль мероприятияevent role (ssn)
роль обозревателяBrowser role
роль пограничного транспортного сервераEdge Transport server role (An Exchange Server 2007 and 2010 server role that provides anti-spam and antivirus protection and applies messaging security policies to messages in transport between organizations by using a series of agents that act on messages as they are processed by the message transport components. This server role is deployed in the perimeter network outside the Active Directory directory service forest. Computers that have the Edge Transport server role installed handle all Internet-facing mail flow and provide Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) relay and smart host services for the Exchange organization)
роль пользователяuser role (A combination of a profile and a scope. A profile defines actions that a user is allowed to perform. A scope defines the objects on which the actions can be performed)
роль пользователя "Администратор только для чтения"Read-Only Administrator user role (A role that is used to limit users to only viewing status, job status, and properties of objects within their assigned host groups, private clouds, and library servers. A Read-Only Administrator cannot create new objects)
роль пользователя "Оператор отчётов"Report Operator user role (In System Center Operations Manager 2007, the user role that grants members the rights to access and run reports. Because Virtual Machine Manager reports are created through Operations Manager, Virtual Machine Manager administrators must be a member of the Report Operator user role to view and run reports in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console)
роль пользователя самообслуживанияSelf-Service user role (A user role allowing users to create, deploy, and manage their own virtual machines and services. Rori)
роль приложенияapplication role (A SQL Server role created to support the security needs of an application)
роль сайта точки обновления программного обеспеченияsoftware update point site role (microsoft.com bojana)
роль сервераserver role (The primary function of the server, as enabled by the grouping of features and services that the server administrator specifies)
роль сервера единой системы обмена сообщениямиUnified Messaging server role (A set of components and services that enable voice, fax, and e-mail messages to be stored in a user's single mailbox. Users can also access their Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 mailbox from a telephone or a computer)
роль сервера клиентского доступаClient Access server role (A set of components and services that enable users to access their Exchange mailboxes through the application Outlook Web Access and the protocols Exchange ActiveSync, Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), and Internet Message Access Protocol 4rev1 (IMAP4). The Client Access server role also includes Web services that are used by other Exchange 2007 server roles)
роль сервера платформыPlatform Server Role (A role that consists of the services that are used to process data. To run Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you must have at least one computer that is running the Platform Server role)
роль сервера почтовых ящиковMailbox server role (An Exchange Server 2007 server role that provides e-mail storage and advanced scheduling services for Microsoft Office Outlook users. The Mailbox server role also includes public folders, which provide a foundation for workflow, document sharing, and other forms of collaboration)
роль сервера приложенийApplication Server role (A role that consists of the services that provide users access to data and content. To run Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you must have at least one computer that is running the Application Server role)
роль сервера сайтаsite server role (microsoft.com bojana)
роль сервера федерацииfederation server role (microsoft.com bojana)
роль сервера федерацииfederation server roles (microsoft.com bojana)
роль системы сайтаsite system role
роль транспортного сервера-концентратораHub Transport server role
роль управления доступом на основе ролейrole-based access control role (The user role that is assigned to a user account, which determines the options that are visible to that user and the tasks that the user can perform in the management interface for Exchange Labs)
роль управления кластеромcluster management role (A cluster management function that can be performed by lead hosts or a database server. The cluster management role is responsible for managing the cache hosts and, ultimately, the cache cluster)
роль читателяBrowser role (A collection of rights that allows the user to view items in a list, document library, discussion board or survey Rori)
Службы федерации Active Directory, серверная роль в Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 / 2008.Active Directory Federation Services