
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing решение | all forms | exact matches only
нестандартно подходить проблеме, искать нетривиальное решение, посмотреть с новой точки зренияthink outside of the box (то же, что и "think outside the box" Elenq)
откладывать решение проблемыkick the problem down the road (Alternatives to clear cutting were explored but did not pan out. The Coast Guard says extending the height of the tower would make the signal less reliable, and the trees would continue to grow and block the tower again in about a decade. Selective cutting was also seen by the Coast Guard as simply kicking the problem down the road. bowenislandundercurrent.com ART Vancouver)
решение за вамиthe ball is in your court
решение, принятое в последний моментan eleventh hour decision (lol0chka)
решение проблемыcookie-cutter (A solution to a problem. Interex)
самостоятельно найти решение задачиfind the light on your own (Alex_Odeychuk)
чье-либо решение останется неизменнымone's way or the highway (нечто вроде "соглашайся или скатертью дорога" LisLoki)