
Terms for subject Informal containing реакции | all forms
замедленная реакцияslow build (напр.на что-то новое – It was one of those slow builds that people weren't quite sure what they were about to hear. It's a fresh artist they hadn't heard before lady_west)
ноль реакцииcarry on as if nothing had happened (as in "я рукой бью – судья ноль реакции" I beat it away with the hand but the referee carried on as if nothing had happened denghu)
ноль реакцииno response (as in "я письма пишу – ноль реакции" = I keep writing letters with no response / and getting no response / but there's been no response denghu)
реакция на вопрос об очевидном фактеdoes Howdie Doodie have a wooden ass? (примерно то же, что и Is the Pope a Catholic и Does a bear shit in the woods)
реакция на идиотское действие или заявлениеExamples of using "derp":"I put chips in my soup instead of crackers. Derp!" Or: "This statement makes him a derp (Vitaliyb)
реакция на клаустрофобиюcabin fever (a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person ends up in an isolated or solitary location, or stuck indoors Val_Ships)
ханжеская реакция на "нарушение приличий"pearl-clutching (plushkina)