
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing реакции | all forms | exact matches only
вызвать бурную реакциюwhip up a storm (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • In a decision that whipped up a storm in the international arbitration community, the Court of Appeal decided in 2018 that there had been no apparent bias where an arbitrator failed to disclose to one of the parties his appointment in multiple proceedings with different parties which arose out of the same incident. • The fashion house has whipped up a storm in China after running ads showing a Chinese woman being told how to use chopsticks to eat Italian food 'More)
вызвать бурную реакциюstir up a storm (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • The Supreme Court's decision to invalidate a pair of patents for Prometheus Labs' diagnostic tests has stirred up a storm in the biopharma industry. 'More)
вызвать бурную реакциюkick up a storm (to create a situation in which many people are very angry, upset, critical, etc.: His racial comments kicked/whipped/stirred up a storm in the newspapers. • A new film on the exodus of Hindus from Kashmir in the 1990s has kicked up a storm in India, 'More)
моментальная реакцияgut reaction (на что-либо seniyakseniya)
что-либо неожиданное требующее быстрой реакции или коррекцииbowl a googly (Something unexpected, underhand or requiring a quick reaction or correction. Interex)
о молчании особ. неловком, тишине, отсутствии реакцииhear crickets (bahtinida)
смешанная реакцияmixed bag (a mixed bag of applause and catcalls VLZ_58)