
Terms containing психологический барьер | all forms | in specified order only
gen.преодолеть психологический барьерovercome a psychological barrier (ROGER YOUNG)
sport.психологические барьерыpsychological barriers (Александр Рыжов)
gen.психологический барьерpsychological barrier (Psychological barrier in HE leadership where women perceive that what they can offer isn't valued? | This then creates the psychological barrier in the animal's brain. | It removes a psychological barrier in me. | Secondly, we did not break through the psychological barrier with some of our constituency voters to persuade them the LSA had a serious chance of winning an ... | There's a kind of psychological barrier with books that people have to get over to be able to see them as objects – no matter how useless they are in their current ... | Why do husbands have a psychological barrier towards his pregnant wife? | Some might even disobey the intended cultural changes intentionally due to their psychological barrier towards new and yet-to-be tested way of running things.- AD)
data.prot.психологический барьерpsychological barrier
gen.психологический барьерpsychological barrier (Psychological barrier in HE leadership where women perceive that what they can offer isn't valued? | This then creates the psychological barrier in the animal's brain. | It removes a psychological barrier in me. | Secondly, we did not break through the psychological barrier with some of our constituency voters to persuade them the LSA had a serious chance of winning an ... | There's a kind of psychological barrier with books that people have to get over to be able to see them as objects – no matter how useless they are in their current ... | Why do husbands have a psychological barrier towards his pregnant wife? | Some might even disobey the intended cultural changes intentionally due to their psychological barrier towards new and yet-to-be tested way of running things. Alexander Demidov)
gen.психологический барьерmental stumbling block (djamanoya)
psychol.эмоционально-психологические барьерыpsychological and emotional barriers (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)