
Terms for subject Microsoft containing профилем | all forms
альбом профиляprofile album (An entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM where the user's profile picture is stored as an attachment)
графическое отображение профиля квалификационных навыковskill profile wheel (A control that visually represents the complete list of competencies that an employee, a unit, or a team can demonstrate. A skill profile wheel is often used in connection with skill gap analyses, for example to display the difference between an employee's current profile and that of a career path)
группа профилейprofile group (A grouping of partner profiles with which you can associate an agreement)
Диспетчер профилейProfile Manager
Добавить типы сетей в сценарий тестовой нагрузки и изменить смешанный сетевой профильAdd network types to a load test scenario and edit the network mix (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
изменение параметров профиляEdit Profile Settings (Windows 7 Rori)
изменить профильedit profile (Windows 7, Office System 2010, Internet Explorer 8 Rori)
изменить шаблон страницы профиляedit profile page template (Office System 2010 Rori)
имя личного профиляpersonal profile name (Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
информация о профилеprofiling information (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
код профиля службыService Profile Identifier (SPID)
Копировать сведения профиляCopy Profile Information (Office System 2010 Rori)
личный профильpersonal profile (Xbox 360, Xbox Dash, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Rori)
локальный профиль пользователяlocal user profile (ssn)
мастер профиля использования базы данныхdatabase profile wizard (ssn)
мастер профиля использования базы данных Microsoft CRMMicrosoft CRM Database Profile Wizard (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
настраиваемый профильcustom profile (A group of settings, defined by an end user, for configuring the encoder output. Rori)
настройки профиля пользователяuser profile settings (Alex_Odeychuk)
нефиксированный профиль пользователяunlocked user profile (A user account whose settings that are changed in a user session are retained every time the user logs on to the account)
общий профильpublic profile (microsoft.com bojana)
обязательный профильmandatory profile (A type of pre-configured roaming user profile that is not updated when the user logs off)
обязательный профиль пользователяmandatory user profile (A type of pre-configured roaming user profile that is not updated when the user logs off)
определённый в профиле пользователяdefined in the user profile (Alex_Odeychuk)
особый профильcustom profile
перемещаемый профильroaming profile (A server-based user profile that is downloaded to the local computer when a user logs on and that is updated both locally and on the server when the user logs off)
перемещаемый профиль пользователяroaming user profile (A server-based user profile that is downloaded to the local computer when a user logs on and that is updated both locally and on the server when the user logs off)
Перенаправить на путь в локальном профиле пользователяRedirect to local user profile path (Windows 8 ssn)
поставщик профиляprofile provider (A data provider that specifies profile properties for each user and that is managed automatically by ASP.NET)
приложение службы профилей пользователейuser profile service application (Alex_Odeychuk)
просмотр свойств профиляView Profile Properties (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
просмотреть профильview profile (Office System 2013 Rori)
просмотреть свойства профиляView Profile Properties (Rori)
профили разноски кассыcash posting profiles (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
профили функциональных зависимостейfunctional dependency profiles (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
профиль аудиоконференцийaudio conferencing profile (Audio settings for a user that are associated with a telephone conferencing provider or with an audio-video conferencing server)
профиль беспроводного соединенияhardcopy cable replacement profile (ssn)
профиль беспроводной связиwireless profile (A collection of security and connectivity settings that are used for wireless access)
профиль беспроводной сетиwireless network profile (Information about a wireless network, such as the wireless network name, service set identifier (SSID), network adapter used to connect to the network, default icon, and default printer)
профиль браузераbrowser profile (A collection of HTTP headers to simulate a particular browser, such as Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape 6. Rori)
профиль в деловой сетиBusiness Network profile (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
профиль возможностейcapability profile (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that defines which resources (for example, number of processors or maximum memory) are available to a virtual machine that is created in a private cloud)
профиль для чрезвычайных ситуацийemergency profile (An emergency profile contains key medical information that others can view when providing emergency treatment to you or a family member)
профиль доступа к полямfield access profile (The set of field-level access permissions that have been granted to a user or users. Rori)
профиль запуска от имениRun As profile (A profile that associates an identity with a module so that it can run as that identity)
профиль кодированияEncoding Profile (Windows Vista Rori)
профиль липопротеиновlipid profile (A pattern of lipids in the blood. It usually includes the levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and the calculated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 'cholesterol)
профиль локального пользователяlocal user profile
профиль местоположенияlocation profile (A method of converting phone numbers that can be dialed from a named location to a single standard format for purposes of routing both incoming and outgoing calls. Location profiles specify valid number strings and normalization rules and are maintained on the server)
профиль назначенияdestination profile (Andy)
профиль настройки маршрутизатора электронной почтыE-mail Router configuration profile (A profile that contains the information, such as the e-mail server name and type, that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system needs to establish a functional E-mail Router. Rori)
профиль оборудованияhardware profile (A library resource containing hardware specifications that can be applied to a new virtual machine or a virtual machine template. A hardware profile can contain specifications for CPU, memory, network adapters, a DVD drive, afloppy drive, COM ports, and the priority given the virtual machine when allocating resources on a virtual machine host)
профиль обработкиthink profile (A property that indicates whether think times are used or ignored in load tests. The think profile applies to an entire scenario in a load test. Its state are: On, Off, Normal Distribution)
профиль операционной системы виртуальной машиныguest operating system profile (A library resource containing the most common settings from a Sysprep.inf file, including the computer name and domain or workgroup settings, which can be applied to a virtual machine template)
профиль отслеживанияtracking profile (A set of characteristics that define a business-related process and contains the mapping between a specific orchestration and activity definition. A tracking profile is a file with a .btt extension)
профиль пассивных запросов федерации веб-службWS-F PRP (Web Services Federation Passive Requestor Profile microsoft.com bojana)
профиль пассивных запросов федерации веб-службWS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (сокр. WS-F PRP; WS – Web Services microsoft.com bojana)
профиль пользователяuser profile (A description of the eventual users of the solution in terms of geography, organizational and communication structures, user functions, resource availability, and other relevant information)
профиль приложенияapplication profile (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains instructions for installing Microsoft Server App-V, the Web Deploy tool, and Microsoft SQL Server data-tier applications and for running scripts when you deploy a virtual machine as part of a service)
профиль проводной связиwired profile (A collection of security and connectivity settings that are used for 802.1X authenticated wired access)
профиль публикацииpublishing profile (A downloadable package from the Windows Azure Management Portal that provides the secure connectivity required to publish (upload and deploy) websites and cloud services from a local development environment)
профиль публикацииpublish profile (A collection of deployment-related settings that is stored in a file (e.g. .pubxml,.publishsettings))
профиль разноскиposting profile
Профиль разноски по ОСFixed asset posting profile (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
профиль роли пользователяuser role profile (A set of permitted operations and classes of data that users need access to so they can perform specific job duties)
профиль сетиnetwork profile (A profile that determines the network settings for the phone, and then activates or updates that phone)
профиль сканированияscan profile (A collection of saved settings for scanning documents or pictures. In Windows Fax and Scan, you can adjust scan settings and then save them as a scan profile)
профиль удалённого рабочего столаremote desktop profile (ssn)
профиль удалённого рабочего столаRemote Desktop profile (A user profile that is specifically created for remote desktop server sessions)
профиль узлаhost profile (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains hardware and operating system configuration settings to convert a bare-metal computer to a managed Hyper-V host)
профиль функциональной зависимостиfunctional dependency profile (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
профиль холестеринаcholesterol profile (A pattern of lipids in the blood. It usually includes the levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and the calculated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 'cholesterol)
профиль шаблона столбцаColumn Pattern Profile (A report containing a set of regular expressions that cover the specified percentage of values in a string column)
путь в локальном профиле пользователяlocal user profile path (ssn)
разрешение на изменение профиляProfile Edit Permission (Rori)
редактор профилейProfile Editor (A tool provided with Windows Media Encoder that creates and edits the encoding profiles)
Редактор профилейProfile Editor
речевой профильvoice profile (Information about your specific speaking style and environment that helps Speech Recognition to better understand the commands you say)
сбалансированный профиль питанияbalanced power profile (Rori)
Сведения о профиле пользователяmy Profile Information (Exchange Server 2010)
Сведения о профиле портаPort profile information (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2 Rori)
сетевой профильnetwork profile (A specific simulation of network bandwidth at the application layer; for example, LAN and Dialup 56K. The network profile does not simulate latency)
сетевой профиль пользователя по умолчаниюnetwork default user profile (microsoft.com bojana)
системный профильsystem profile (The default, predefined templates that contain the necessary technical details for encoding a particular piece of content)
служба очистки профилей пользователейUser Profile Hive Cleanup Service (A service that helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off)
служба очистки профилей пользователейUPHClean (A service that helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off)
служба профилей пользователейUser Profile service (A shared service in Microsoft SharePoint Server that enables the creation and management of user profiles that can be accessed from multiple sites and farms)
служба языковых профилейLanguage Profile Service (A Windows service that automatically manages user language preferences. Localized apps can inherit these settings, saving developers time and effort by making it unnecessary for applications to manage user language preferences on their own. Rori)
смешанный сетевой профильnetwork mix (The probability of a virtual user running a given network profile. For example: 75% use LAN and 25% use DSL 56K)
смешанный сетевой профильnetwork mix (The probability of a virtual user running a given network profile. For example: 75% use LAN and 25% use DSL 56K. Rori)
совместно используемый профиль пользователяshared user profile (A file that contains configuration information for a specific user including settings and restrictions applied by Windows SteadyState)
Сохранение данных профиляSaving profile information (Windows Server 2003 R2 Rori)
средство просмотра профиля данныхData Profile Viewer (A stand-alone utility that displays the profile output in both summary and detail format with optional drilldown capability)
страница профиляprofile page (Andy)
URL страницы правки профиляthe URL of the edit profile page (.NET Framework 4)
файл профиля публикацииpublish profile file (Alex_Odeychuk)
фиксированный профиль пользователяlocked user profile (A user account whose user profile settings return to a state defined by Windows SteadyState every time a user logs on to the account; no matter where the user profile settings are physically located)
хранимый в профиле пользователяstored in the user profile (Alex_Odeychuk)
цветовой профильcolor profile (A profile that contains the data needed for translating the values of a color gamut. This data includes information about color, hue, saturation, and brightness)