
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing принять | all forms | exact matches only
принять взвешенное решениеmake an informed decision (I don't know the issues enough to make an informed decision. • Let's prevent this carnage at 275 Street and 48 Avenue Gloucester Industrial Park from taking place in the Compensatory Lands and coho salmon habitat. There will be a delegation at the Regular Council meeting of the Township of Langley May 29 to present this petition and provide essential missing information and correct misleading information to Council to enable them to make an informed decision. (change.org) ART Vancouver)
принять необдуманное решениеshow poor judgement (также display poor judgment: In response, New Democrat MP Peter Julian said he plans to introduce a motion to have the committee notify the House of Commons that there was a refusal of the summons. (...) "Google has again shown extraordinarily poor judgement, and it's not going to end there. They were summoned, they disobeyed the summons and there will be consequences." -- поступил крайне необдуманно / принял крайне необдуманное решение citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
принять неожиданный оборотtake an unexpected turn (A school presentation on unique flora living in Georgia took an unexpected turn when biologists cracked open a carnivorous plant and discovered that it had scarfed down a small lizard. The surprising find was revealed on Sunday in a Facebook post by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Wildlife Division. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
приняться за работуget busy (ART Vancouver)