
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing приложиться | all forms
не мочь приложить умаbe at wit's end (Баян)
постараться, приложить больше усилий, улучшитьup one's game (kotofyr)
приложи максимум усилийgive it your best (VLZ_58)
приложить больших усилий, сделавgo to town on something (что-либо z484z)
приложить все возможные усилияpull out all the stops (SAKHstasia)
приложить все силыdo one's utmost (We're going to do our utmost to ensure we don’t go down the path of rampant development and massive rent hikes. ART Vancouver)
приложить все силыgo out of one's way (“We’re asking everyone to go out of their way to conserve water to the greatest extent possible, including minimizing lawn watering,” Montgomery said. Other suggested ways to reduce water consumption is taking shorter showers and only doing full loads of laundry. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
приложить все силыpull out all the stops imaginable (ART Vancouver)
приложить все усилияgo out of one's way (“We’re asking everyone to go out of their way to conserve water to the greatest extent possible, including minimizing lawn watering,” Montgomery said. Other suggested ways to reduce water consumption is taking shorter showers and only doing full loads of laundry. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
приложить все усилияleave no stone unturned (Ivan Pisarev)
приложить все усилияfight tooth and nail (I'm going to fight tooth and nail for that promotion. Val_Ships)
приложить все усилияpull out all the stops (для достижения цели Taras)
приложить значительные усилияgo to great lengths (I went to great lengths to explain to him that he was not in any trouble. Val_Ships)
приложить к чем-либо рукиhave a finger in every pie (Стасямба)
приложить особые усилияgo out of one's way to (Баян)
приложить руку кhave a hand in (+ gerund: If Greenwood seems like an idyllic place, with vast parks and quiet neighbourhoods, it didn’t happen by accident. Franks Norris should know. He had a hand in shaping our city.)
приложить руку кhave a finger in the pie (чем-либо gelios554b)
приложить усилияput in the hard yards (VLZ_58)
приложить усилияbuckle down (To put forth the needed effort; to focus; become serious. Interex)
приложить усилияbreak a sweat (To put effort into something. Interex)
приложить усилия к исправлениюpull up one's socks (to make an effort to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough: He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team. VLZ_58)
ума не приложитьbe at one's wits' end ("At last the little money which I had saved began to run short, and I was at my wits' end as to what I should do." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
Ума не приложуI am at my wit's end (ART Vancouver)
ума не приложуI'm at my wit's end (VLZ_58)