
Terms for subject Microsoft containing приложение агента | all forms
агент дистанционного отслеживания влияния на приложенияApplication Impact Telemetry Agent (The scheduled task part of Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) that runs nightly to consume the events logged to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) by the AIT Runtime system and send them back to Microsoft using SQM. Rori)
агент дистанционного отслеживания влияния на приложенияAIT Agent (The scheduled task part of Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) that runs nightly to consume the events logged to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) by the AIT Runtime system and send them back to Microsoft using SQM)
агент наблюдения за производительностью приложенийApplication Performance Monitoring agent (An agent that resides on a monitored system and gathers exception and performance information from a monitored application and reports it to the APM service; APM)
агент приложенийApplication Agent (An agent that monitors checkpoints for potential threats making changes to your installed applications, such as modifying Internet Explorer or downloading ActiveX applications from the Internet)