
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing препятствий | all forms
вижу цель, не вижу препятствийlet nothing stand in your way (cnlweb)
временное препятствиеbump in the road (4uzhoj)
выполнять требуемое задание несмотря на препятствияcarry the message to Garcia (To perform a requisite task despite obstacles. Interex)
идти к цели, не встречая препятствийbe a clean shot on goal (Alex_Odeychuk)
несмотря на все препятствияagainst the odds (pathway)
послужить препятствиемknock set back on one's heels (soroka2006)
преодолеть все препятствияjump through all the hoops (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
создать препятствиеput a spanner in the works (Beforeyouaccuseme)
столкнуться с препятствиемhit a roadblock (Ms. Palacios, 28, hit another roadblock in an Atlanta courtroom on Wednesday, when a Superior Court judge agreed with Mr. Kemp that she was ineligible to appear on the November ballot as the Democratic candidate in the 29th District. Mira_G)
столкнуться с препятствиемrun into a roadblock (VLZ_58)
убрать препятствиеdrop the gloves (To remove a prior impediment to action; to prepare for or engage in a dispute. Interex)
чинить препятствияthrow a roadblock (And you could feel the roadblock they were throwing. – они явно чинили мне препятствия ART Vancouver)
чинить препятствияthrow up roadblocks (VLZ_58)