
Terms containing право собственности на долю | all forms | in specified order only
gen.доля в праве собственности наinterest in the title to (Alexander Demidov)
lawдоля в праве собственности наshare in the title to (ROGER YOUNG)
lawдоля в праве собственности наownership interest in (When you purchase or otherwise come into ownership of real estate such as a house, you gain an ownership interest in it. Shares are units of ownership interest in a corporation or financial asset that provide for an equal distribution in any profits, Person with ownership or control interest means a person or corporation that: Has an ownership interest totaling 5 percent or more in a disclosing entity; Has an indirect ownership interest equal to 5 percent or more in a disclosing entity; Has a combination of direct and indirect ownership interests equal to 5 percent ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.доля в праве собственности наinterest in the ownership of (Alexander Demidov)
busin.право на долю земельной собственностиundivided share in land
gen.право собственности на долюinterest (оценка рыночной стоимости права собственности на долю в = valuation of interest in. Valuation of Interest in Property. | Valuation of Interest in Minerals | valuation of interest in a partnership Alexander Demidov)
gen.свидетельство о праве собственности на долю в общем имуществе супруговcertificate of the right of ownership with respect to a share in the common property of spouses (ABelonogov)
lawсвидетельство о праве собственности на долю в уставном капиталеInterest Certificate (rin.ru Vladmir)