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Проект по предоставлению помощи и отслеживания каналов транспортировки кокаина в ЕвропеCORMS Cocaine Route Monitoring and Support (📕 The Cocaine Route Monitoring and Support (CORMS) project was established to increase the synergies between all the components of the Cocaine Route Programme as well as to improve coordination with other initiatives in the fight against organised crime and drug trafficking. The purpose of the project is to ensure closer monitoring of all components of the Cocaine Route Programme and strengthen coordination, coherence and complementarity among the various components of the Cocaine Route Programme at regional and trans-regional level, both within the programme itself (internal coherence) and with respect to any other relevant initiative, regardless whether it is planned or carried out by the EU as such, EU member states bilaterally or multilaterally or other international and regional actors (external coherence). cocaineroute.eu SynopsisRidenS)