
Terms for subject General containing по мерке | all forms | in specified order only
быть точно по меркеfit like a glove
выдавать по меркеmeasure out
выдавать по меркеmeasure
даже по историческим меркамeven by historical standards (CafeNoir)
исключительный по международным меркамinternationally abnormal (A.Rezvov)
неверно судить о них по нашей меркеit is unfair to judge them by our standards
несправедливо судить о них по нашей меркеit is unfair to judge them by our standards
по американским меркамby American standards (babichjob)
по всем меркамin all parameters (Phyloneer)
по западным меркамby Western standards (sankozh)
по историческим меркамby historical standards (grafleonov)
по любой меркеby any standard (scherfas)
по любым меркам плохой фильмa bad movie by any standards
по меркамby the measure (of somebody or something Vadim Rouminsky)
по меркамin the realm of
по меркамby standards ("The Korshaks lived in luxury fabulous even by Bel Air standards. Chagalls and Renoirs adorned their walls. Their wine cellar was considered one of the finest in Los Angeles." (Vanity Fair) • Even by October standards, it's been unseasonably wet and windy. ART Vancouver)
по меркамby standards (напр., by UK standards Anglophile)
по меркам мирного времениby peace-time standards
по меркеmeasure
по меркеmade to measure
по нашим меркамby our standards (lexicographer)
по нынешним меркамby today's standards (A.Rezvov)
по нынешним меркамby modern standards (Up till this point, Zachary had drunk ancient brew daily and in frightening quantities by modern standards. 4uzhoj)
по нынешним меркамas things go nowadays (Anglophile)
по обычным меркамby standard measurements (bookworm)
по своим собственным меркамin one's own worth (linaalina)
по сегодняшним меркамcompared to today (vlad-and-slav)
по сегодняшним меркамby today's standards (A.Rezvov)
по современным меркамcompared to today (C# version 1.0 looked stripped of features, compared to today. vlad-and-slav)
по человеческим меркамby human reckoning (Lana Falcon)
по этим меркамby these standards (Even by these standards it's unheard of. ART Vancouver)
сделанный по меркеmade-to-measure
сделанный по меркеmade to measure
сделать по меркеmake to measure
сшитый по меркеmade to measure
шить по меркеtailor (Moscowtran)