
Terms for subject Quotes and aphorisms containing политик | all forms
в политике нет моралиthere is no morality in politics (Н. Макиавелли; англ. перевод взят из новостного сообщения CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
война есть продолжение политики другими средствамиwar is an extension of policy by other means (Карл фон Клаузевиц: For, as Clausewitz has pointed out, “War is an extension of policy by other means”; or as Tallyrand more trenchantly phrased it to Marshal Ney, “When my profession fails, then yours comes in.” usni.org Alexander Oshis)
война это продолжение политики другими средствамиwar is an extension of policy by other means (Карл фон Клаузевиц: For, as Clausewitz has pointed out, “War is an extension of policy by other means”; or as Tallyrand more trenchantly phrased it to Marshal Ney, “When my profession fails, then yours comes in.” usni.org Alexander Oshis)
война это продолжение политики другими средствамиwar is an extension of policy by another means (by Carl von Clauzewitz Val_Ships)
если ты не занимаешься политикой, то политика займётся тобойjust because you don't take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics will not take an interest in you (Цитата приписывается нескольким политическим и общественным деятелям, в том числе и Периклу. george serebryakov)
Политика есть искусство возможногоPolitics is the art of the possible (Отто фон Бисмарк Andrey Truhachev)
это нерыночная политикаthis is not market-based policy (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)