
Terms for subject Cinematography containing политику | all forms
политика в области средств массовой информацииmedia policy
политика грубого нажимаjackboot tactics
практика привлечения в фильмы и театральные постановки тёмнокожих актёров для соблюдения политики толерантностиblacking up (в противоположность whitewashing ad_notam)
редакционная политикаeditorial policy (Perhaps most surprising was a tacit acknowledgment of criticism of the tightly controlled state-owned federal television channel – and an intriguing remedy for the problem in the form of a "public" broadcaster, possibly formed from the current federal channels, that would finally separate owners from editorial policy. TMT Alexander Demidov)
редакционная политикаeditorial line
творец политикиpolicy-maker