
Terms for subject Military containing пойдёт | all forms
не пойдётwill not proceed
пойти в гусарыserve in the hussars
пойти в разведкуgo on a scouting mission (On June 8th, a lightly equipped high-speed commando unit went on a scouting mission to explore a rumoured access route into the northeast corner of the lake. • She was now looking for three hunters to go on a scouting mission and bring back information. • Также и в переносном смысле в разговорной речи: Go on a scouting mission to any wine store or local grocery store and view the selection. 4uzhoj)
пойти на безоговорочную капитуляциюsurrender unconditionally (Alex_Odeychuk)
пойти на войнуgo to war
пойти на компромиссsettle on a compromise
пойти на компромиссagree to compromise
пойти отлитьhit the head ("I'm gonna hit the head." I guess this phrase is better than some of the alternatives to announcing your intention to use the restroom. 4uzhoj)