
Terms for subject Cardiology containing поздний | all forms
период позднего наполненияlate reservoir period (предсердия Natalya Rovina)
поздняя постдеполяризацияdelayed afterdepolarization (DAD – ППД -: Delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) begin during phase 4, after repolarization is completed but before another action potential would normally occur via the normal conduction systems of the heart. They are due to elevated cytosolic calcium concentrations, classically seen with digoxin toxicity. The overload of the sarcoplasmic reticulum may cause spontaneous Ca2+ release after repolarization, causing the released Ca2+ to exit the cell through the 3Na+/Ca2+-exchanger. This results in a net depolarizing current. The classical feature is Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia. Also seen in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT). Delayed afterdepolarization is also seen in myocardial infarction. Purkinje fibers which survive myocardial infarction remain partially depolarized due to its high concentration of cations. Partially depolarized tissue fires rapidly resulting in delayed after depolarization. wikipedia.org 'More)
поздняя постдеполяризацияDAD (Delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) begin during phase 4, after repolarization is completed but before another action potential would normally occur via the normal conduction systems of the heart. They are due to elevated cytosolic calcium concentrations, classically seen with digoxin toxicity wikipedia.org mazurov)
поздняя потеря просвета стентаin-stent late loss (mara10)
скорость позднего наполнения желудочкаlate ventricular filling velocity (Midnight_Lady)