
Terms for subject Law containing подать на в суд | all forms
Подайте на меня в судSue me (oldfox)
подать в суд жалобу наfile a lawsuit against (someone/somethingAm. Andrey Truhachev)
подать в суд наtake proceedings against (4uzhoj)
подать в суд наbring legal action against (felog)
подать в суд на кого-л.bring a lawsuit against sb. (Phil, the young driver has a duty of care to Ellen, the injured pedestrian (and the public) which he breaches by his negligence, and therefore has liability for the pedestrian's injuries, and gives Ellen the right to bring a lawsuit against him. ART Vancouver)
подать в суд наtake legal action against (start a court case against sb felog)
подать в суд наtake out a process against
право подать апелляцию на решение арбитража в Высокий Суд Великобританииrights to appeal any arbitration award to the U.K. High Court (Leonid Dzhepko)