
Terms containing период проведения | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
transp.в период проведения работduring the works (Yeldar Azanbayev)
auto.на период проведения технического обслуживанияwhile on maintenance (Ananaska)
econ.период проведения аудитаaudit period (ревизии)
account.период проведения аудитаaudit period
gen.период проведения аудитаaudit cycle (The period of time during which an audit is conducted. An audit cycle varies depending on the type of audit being made. For example, the audit cycle for a tax audit by its nature begins after tax returns are filed (or are supposed to have been filed). Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Alexander Demidov)
Makarov.период проведения испытанийtesting period
SAP.период проведения мероприятияbusiness event period
relig.период проведения мероприятияactivity period
mach.период проведения пусконаладочных работcommissioning period (igisheva)
oilпериод проведения работoperations period (dimock)
commer.период проведения расследованияRIP (review investigation period The investigation of the likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury covered the period from 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2015 (the ‘review investigation period' or ‘RIP'). george serebryakov)
econ.период проведения ревизииaudit period
forestr.период проведения рубокlogging season
corp.gov.период проведения собраний акционеров компанийproxy season (During a corporation's annual shareholder meetings, shareholders learn about and vote on key issues, such as the election of the corporation's directors. Because most shareholders choose to vote by proxy, the time when these annual meetings are held is commonly referred to as proxy season Beforeyouaccuseme)
sport.период проведения соревнованийcompetitive period
sport.период проведения соревнованийcompetition season
chem.период проведения экспериментаexperimental period (или исследования wolferine)
oilпланово-предупредительное техническое обслуживание в период проведения капитального ремонтаPMDO (planned maintenance during overhaul)
tech.планово-предупредительное техническое обслуживание в период проведения капитального ремонтаplanned maintenance during overhaul