
Terms containing памятные даты | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.памятная датаcommemorative date (You can aid us in our work by remembering your loved ones during the year perhaps on a birthday, anniversary or any other special commemorative date. Personalised commemorative date poster. Commemorative Date Stamp. The Accrington Pals Commemorative Group, founded by the council, is also exploring painting a Pals' commemorative date on the Coppice, ... UK Alexander Demidov)
gen.памятная датаmemorable date (Tatyana Ugr)
cultur.памятные датыmilestones (Every year there are countless cultural milestones worth celebrating. ART Vancouver)
libr.памятные датыmemory dates
cultur.памятные даты в истории культурыcultural milestones (ART Vancouver)