
Terms for subject General containing оценка эффективности | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Global Evaluations of Treatment Effectiveness Глобальная система оценки эффективности леченияGETE (Ginger72)
Директор по оценке эффективности и качества работыChief Process Officer (Заместитель генерального директора по учету и управлению. Is an executive responsible at the highest level of an organization. CPOs usually report direct to the CEO or board of directors. They oversee the business process activities, are responsible for defining rules and guidelines to ensure that the main objectives follow the company strategy as well as establishing control mechanisms. whitenois)
метод оценки экологической эффективности зданийBREEAM
метод оценки экологической эффективности зданийBuilding Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (wiki – от англ. BRE Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) – добровольный рейтинг оценки зелёных зданий, разработанный в 1990 году британской организацией BRE Global для оценки экологической эффективности зданий Игорь Миголатьев)
методика оценки эффективности деятельностиprocedure for assessing the performance (An adequate procedure for assessing the performance of consultants and contractors during the currency of the planned maintenance arrangements is in ... | From September 2012 the headteacher introduced a robust procedure for assessing the performance of staff. | The guidelines also stipulate that there should be a standard procedure for assessing the performance of individual non-Executive directors and chairmen. | In that case the procedure for assessing the performance of the police officer will be the same as that following the first stage. Alexander Demidov)
методы оценки экологической эффективности и уровня энергозатрат строительных сооруженийBREEAM
осуществлять оценку эффективностиmeasure the performance of (To successfully measure the performance of your business, you need to ensure that you identify and focus on the correct areas of your business. | Measure the performance of your salespeople. One method of measuring salespeople performance is to analyse a salesperson's conversion rates. | Learn 6 effective ways to measure the performance of B2B content marketing and its impact on brand awareness, thought leadership and user ... | measure the performance of public agencies, public programs, nonprofit and for-profit contractors, or the collaboratives of public, ... Alexander Demidov)
оценка затрато-эффективностиassessing cost-effectiveness (yerlan.n)
оценка экономической эффективностиcost-benefit assessment
оценка экономической эффективностиcost-benefit evaluation
оценка эффективностиcost-benefit analysis
Оценка эффективности деятельностиBusiness Performance Review – BPR
оценка эффективности деятельностиperformance appraisal (A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor. wiki Alexander Demidov)
оценка эффективности затратcost-benefit evaluation
оценка эффективности затратassessing cost-effectiveness (yerlan.n)
оценка эффективности капиталовложенийcapex evaluation (Johnny Bravo)
оценка эффективности работыperformance evaluation (bigmaxus)
оценка эффективности ранее одобренных лекарственных средствDrug Efficacy Study Implementation (Johnny Bravo)
система оценки эффективности сотрудниковstaff performance appraisal scheme (Alexander Demidov)
Система стандартов в области оценки экологической эффективности строительстваLEED
Шкала общей оценки эффективности леченияGlobal Evaluation of Treatment Effectiveness (emirates42)
этап оценки эффективности контракта проектаassessment phase (qwarty)