
Terms for subject Court law containing обвинения | all forms | exact matches only
вопрос судьи о том, понимает ли обвиняемый суть обвинения, грозящее ему наказание и свои праваcolloquy (In criminal court, a colloquy is an investigation within a defendant's plea to reassure that the plea was given "knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently". The defendant needs to understand the charges against him, the penalties that he will face, and his rights before entering into a guilty plea. In the US, that includes describing the rights guaranteed by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments as well as a caution that non-citizens who are convicted of crimes risk expulsion from the country.: At the end of the colloquy, Judge Spicer asked Carr whether anyone had "pressured" him into accepting the deal. wikipedia.org)
выдвинуть официальное обвинение в совершении преступленияindict (ART Vancouver)
поддерживать публичное обвинениеrepresent the state (in a criminal trial 4uzhoj)
поддерживать публичное обвинениеrepresent the government (in a criminal trial 4uzhoj)
подтверждать выдвинутое обвинениеwarrant the allegations (конт. пер.: State has more than enough evidence to warrant the allegations, Your Honor. Ваша честь, у гособвинения предостаточно улик, чтобы подтвердить выдвинутое обвинение. solitaire)
предъявить официальное обвинениеindict (The federal grand jury indicted Borelli and Puzzi on charges of conspiracy, extortion, money laundering, and racketeering. ART Vancouver)
Улики, которые могут смягчить приговор и которые сторона обвинения обязана представитьbrady material (cornell.edu Schriftstella)