
Terms containing номер в книге записей | all forms | in specified order only
Makarov.инвентарный номер служит для связи книги с записью в каталоге, а также он позволяет различать между собой разные копии одного и того же изданияthe accession number also serves to link the book with the catalogue, and distinguishes between copies of a book when there is more than one
lawномер в книге записейdocket number of a case
lawномер в книге записейdocket number
lawномер дела в книге записейdocket number of a case
patents.Номер дела в книге записейDocket Number (An Attorney Docket Number is a Reference text of up to 25 alphanumeric characters that is used to identify a patent application. This number is not assigned by the USPTO and can be any combination of numbers and letters. Customers can enter complete or partial Attorney Docket Numbers to retrieve a list of applications. The system will perform a suffix wild card search when the user enters a partial Attorney Docket Number after selecting the "Start with" radio button option. This option requires entry of at least the first three characters of your Attorney Docket Numbers to be located. The user will also be able to add or modify Attorney Docket Numbers from the query results after clicking the Search button. – uspto.gov DmitrySim)
gen.о чём в книге регистрации актов о расторжении брака дата произведена запись за номеромwhereof divorce Entry dated was entered to the divorce register