
Terms for subject Law containing непроверенный | all forms
свидетельство, основанное на непроверенной информацииhearsay (Rust71)
Список непроверенных импортеров американской продукцииUnverified List (сокр. UVL – The Unverified List is a list of parties that have not cooperated with the Bureau of Industry Security (BIS) during post-shipment verification checks. The presence of a party on the Unverified List in a transaction is a "red flag" that must be resolved before proceeding with the transaction. Ср. Denied Persons List (DPL), Entity List. 'More)
Список "непроверенных партнёров"Unverified List (сокр. UVL – The Unverified List is a list of parties that have not cooperated with the Bureau of Industry Security (BIS) during post-shipment verification checks. The presence of a party on the Unverified List in a transaction is a "red flag" that must be resolved before proceeding with the transaction. Ср. Denied Persons List (DPL), Entity List. 'More)
Список непроверенных стран и компанийUnverified List (англо-русский и русско-английский словарь "Ядерный экспортный контроль", К.Б.Равина и др., 2004 twinkie)