
Terms for subject Finances containing непрерывным | all forms
машина непрерывного действияcontinuous action machine
непрерывная модельcontinuation pattern (yerlan.n)
непрерывные рядыcontinuous series
непрерывный компаундингcontinuous compounding (yerlan.n)
непрерывный производственный процессcontinuous production process
непрерывный устойчивый ростsustained growth
непрерывный рост мировой экономикиsustained growth of the world economy
непрерывный рынокcontinuous market (Alexander Matytsin)
обеспечить непрерывное движение денежных средствkeep cash flow coming (At Strand Development, Mike Mackay and his team make a point of trying to keep properties rented out. “It’s just good corporate citizenship to maintain some vibrancy on the street,” says Mackay, whose company has been building a lot of new rental around the city, along with commercial/industrial in the Mount Pleasant industrial zone. “It’s a brand risk for us if we don’t.” Plus, he says, it only makes sense to keep cash flow coming. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
обеспечить непрерывное поступление денежного потокаkeep cash flow coming (At Strand Development, Mike Mackay and his team make a point of trying to keep properties rented out. “It’s just good corporate citizenship to maintain some vibrancy on the street,” says Mackay, whose company has been building a lot of new rental around the city, along with commercial/industrial in the Mount Pleasant industrial zone. “It’s a brand risk for us if we don’t.” Plus, he says, it only makes sense to keep cash flow coming. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
по непрерывному, последовательному ряду индоссаментаby continuous indorsements (алешаBG)
программа непрерывных улучшенийCI program (Continious Improvement Program Lucy27)
система "непрерывной" инвентаризацииperpetual inventory system
стаж непрерывной работыcontinuous service (на одном предприятии)
ЭВМ непрерывного действияanalogue computer