
Terms for subject Microsoft containing необязательная | all forms
задать необязательное окончаниеSet End Optional (Visio 2013 Rori)
необязательное имяoptional name (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Необязательное имя аргументаthe optional name of the argument (Visual Studio 2008)
Необязательное имя сборки, содержащей задачуOptional name of assembly containing the task. (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
необязательное программное обеспечениеoptional software (Andy)
необязательные обновленияOptional Updates (Windows 8.1 Rori)
необязательный параметрoptional parameter (A parameter that may be specified, but is not required. The program will assume a default value if it is not provided)
необязательный туннельvoluntary tunnel (A tunnel that is initiated by the client. A voluntary tunnel tunnels Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over Internet Protocol (IP) from the client to the tunnel server, and then the data is forwarded to the target host by the tunnel server)
необязательный участникoptional attendee (A person who is not required to attend a meeting)
необязательный участникoptional attendee (A person who is not required to attend a meeting. Rori)
свойство необязательной определённостиnullable property (A property which controls if a field can have a NULL value. Rori)