
Terms containing недёшево | all forms | exact matches only
gen.даваться недёшевоcome at a price (Alexander Demidov)
gen.доставаться недёшевоdo not come cheap (A.Rezvov)
gen.жить в городе недёшевоit's not cheap to live in the city
gen.недёшево обойтисьthere's significant cost to (+ gerund: "That's not a cheap vehicle. The airbags are deployed inside it, will probably be written off." "I don’t think it will. Those Bentleys are famous for the strength of their frames." "There's significant cost to repairing the interior of a car when the airbags deploy. The entire dash will likely need replacing because it has a breakaway panel for the passenger side airbag." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
gen.недёшево обходится прокормить, одеть и обуть семью из шести человекit costs quite a bit to feed and clothe a family of six
gen.недёшево стоит прокормить, одеть и обуть семью из шести человекit costs quite a bit to feed and clothe a family of six
inf.самолёт вам недёшево обойдётся, почему вам не поехать поездом?it will cost you to fly, why not go by train?
Игорь Мигстоить недёшевоbe high maintenance
gen.стоить недёшевоbe quite expensive
Makarov.это ему недёшево досталосьhe paid a high price for it
gen.это ему недёшево досталосьhe has not got it without spending a lot of time, energy, etc.
gen.это ему недёшево досталосьhe has had to spend a lot of time, energy. etc. to get it
gen.это недёшево обходитсяit comes with a price (Elenq)