
Terms for subject Literature containing начинающий | all forms | exact matches only
английский афоризм, начинающийся со слова "if"ifferism (“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T. Washington Julia72)
начинающий поэтnovice poet (ART Vancouver)
Подобно большинству великих кинематографистов, он начинал как художник, но постепенно поддался необходимости утвердиться как бизнесмен. Вынужденное поклонение и Богу, и Молоху разъедало не только его искусство, но и душу.Like most great film makers, he began as an artist, and was gradually overwhelmed by the need to prove himself as a businessman. He was not only harassed by the need to marry God and Moloch in his work, he was harassed by the need to marry them in himself. (Ch. Higham)
теперь начинаю пониматьnow I begin to see that (Alex_Odeychuk)