
Terms for subject Law containing нарушение общественного порядка | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
арестовать по подозрению в нарушении общественного порядкаarrest on suspicion of a public order offense (англ. оборот взят из статьи в газете New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
в нарушение общественного порядкаdisorderly
виновное в нарушении общественного порядка лицоdisorderly person
грубое нарушение общественного порядка, демонстрирующее явное неуважение к обществуgross violation of public order showing obvious disrespect for society (англ. цитата заимствована из новостного сообщения агентства Reuters Alex_Odeychuk)
Закон о преступлениях и нарушении общественного порядкаCrime and Disorder Act (Olga Cartlidge)
иск о нарушении общественного порядкаsuit of the Queen's peace (уголовный)
иск о нарушении общественного порядкаsuit of the King's peace (уголовный)
малозначительное нарушение общественного порядкаminor disturbance
нарушение общественного порядкаviolation of peace
нарушение общественного порядкаdisturbance of the public peace
нарушение общественного порядкаnuisance (обыкн. public nuisance: Nuisance refers to actions by someone or something within their control that interfere with rights of either the public or private citizens outside of their property. This can be in many forms such as creating loud noises or letting water run onto another person’s property. Courts look broadly to evaluate whether an action by a party constitutes a nuisance, including whether the action unreasonably interferes with the health, safety, and comfort of the affected parties. The length of the nuisance, degree of unreasonableness, and whether there is a law or regulation prohibiting the act will be influential. Where there is a nuisance, parties typically receive damages unless the nuisance will continue or prove irreparable, in which case parties may seek equitable relief. The ability of a party to recover from a nuisance depends on whether the nuisance is public or private. cornell.edu)
нарушение общественного порядкаdisorderly behavior (Andrey Truhachev)
нарушение общественного порядкаdiscon (disorderly conduct ithaka)
нарушение общественного порядкаpublic order offense (в тексте англ. обороту предшествовал неопред. артикль; англ. оборот взят из статьи в газете New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
нарушение общественного порядкаpublic nuisance (A public nuisance is when a person unreasonably interferes with a right that the general public shares in common. For example, a business that emits large amounts of foul smelling gas that spreads throughout the city would be creating a public nuisance. Most public nuisances must be brought by government officials on behalf of the public. Private citizens can bring a class action to enjoin the nuisance in some cases. For a private individual to bring an action on their own, they must have suffered a greater or different nuisance than the rest of the public. In the above example, if the gas intruded into houses beside the business, those homeowners might be able to bring private actions given the unique impact on their homes.: He was charged with committing a public nuisance. OCD Alexander Demidov)
нарушение общественного порядкаbreach of the peace (Breach of the peace is a generic phrase to describe a criminal offense that violates the public peace or order. Since numerous criminal offenses can be perceived as a violation of the public peace, this phrase is usually used to describe the offense of disorderly conduct. cornell.edu)
нарушение общественного порядкаdisturbance of the peace (Disturbance (or breach) of the peace is a generic term encompassing a variety of conduct that violates public order, disturbs the public, or incites violence, including any violation of any law enacted to preserve peace and good order. It is a criminal offense recognized under common law and various statutes. cornell.edu Alexander Demidov)
нарушение общественного порядкаdisturbance of public peace (§ 97-3 Disturbance of public peace. No person shall disturb, tend to disturb or aid in disturbing the peace of others by violent, tumultuous, offensive or obstreperous conduct, and no person shall knowingly permit such conduct upon any premises owned or possessed by him or her or under his or her control. ecode360.com)
нарушение общественного порядкаpublic disturbance
нарушение общественного порядкаdisorder
нарушение общественного порядкаdisturbance
нарушение общественного порядкаdisorderly offence
нарушение общественного порядкаviolation of public order
нарушение общественного порядка с применением насилияviolent disorders
пикетирование без нарушения общественного порядкаpeaceful picketing
пикетирование с нарушением общественного порядкаdisorderly picketing
преступное нарушение общественного порядкаcrime against the peace
серьёзное нарушение общественного порядкаmajor disturbance
серьёзное нарушение общественною порядкаmajor disturbance
создать угрозу нарушения общественного порядкаendanger the public peace