
Terms for subject Business containing наземный | all forms | exact matches only
наземная линия связиfixed line (Selling fixed-line voice, IT and network services to businesses of all sizes, Orange Business Services now has about 5,000 direct customers and about 15,000 indirect customers, which buy Orange services through resellers. Of the 14,000 kilometers of fixed lines leveraged by Orange, it owns all of its 8,000 kilometers of backbone and both owns and rents its 6,000 kilometers of access lines. TMT Alexander Demidov)
наземная линия связиmain line (Alik-angel)
наземные транспортные средстваland transport equipment
наземный перевозчикoverland carrier
наземный транспортsurface transport
руководство по наземной эксплуатацииground operations manual (elena.kazan)