
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing мозговой | all forms | exact matches only
быть мозговым центромbe the brains behind something (чего-либо; to be the person who plans and organizes something, especially something successful Mira_G)
запудривание мозговsmoke and mirrors (The cost of adding multiple Level II chargers could be prohibitive, if the service to the building(s) is already close to being maxed out. I've owned two EV, and likely not again anytime soon. Forget about it. It's all smoke and mirrors. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
мозговой заторin over head (Yeldar Azanbayev)
остановить "утечку мозгов"plug brain drain (To quickly plug the brain drain, the team prioritized dramatic improvements that all could buy into. (Peter Guarraia et al. London Business School Business Strategy Review, 2009) Abakaner)